Just a dream.

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"Here we are" I say deeply, comfy in my bed, Morgana sitting next to me, "One year has already passed since we've created the Phantom Thieves."

"You've all done an amazing job." Says Morgana.

"It was nothing, we did all this work to reform society after all."

"Anyways, our work isn't done, we still have to steal other hearts."

"I know..." I turned my face towards the window. Spring has started and the sky is like a painting with the sunset.

"You should rest up for today. You must be tired with all this move."

Indeed, I negociated with my parents to stay at Leblanc's attic for my last year of high school.

I turned off the lights and started to fall into a deep sleep.

"Joker ?! What's happening to you ?!"

I don't know who's talking to me.

All of a sudden, I feel I'm loosing control of my entire body.
I have a horrible headache, worse than when I pulled off my mask to reveal my Persona. I screamed, but nobody came to save me from this pain. Where is that person who called my code name ? It was a girl, but... I've never heard her voice before.

"REN !!"

I woke up in sweats, thankful to have left that terrible dream.

"Are you ok ??" Asks Morgana, "You screamed so loud that I also had to leave my dream... Fatty tuna..."

"I'm sorry, I've... This dream... Nevermind. Forget that."

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it ?"

"Yes, I'm sure. It is just a dream after all..." This time, I fell asleep for good.

I woke up by the sunlights through the window.

After going down the stairs, I sat in front of Sojiro, who was cooking his famous curry.

"Morning kid. Already in last year of high school heh ? Well, I have nothing to tell you except not to cause trouble and to be careful. Futaba is coming soon. You should not be late for your first day of school, not like last year." He laughed after that.

I smiled back, "Yes, I promise."

What a maze we travelled, Ryuji and I, at the beginning, we were so confused when we awakened our Pers...
I remembered the dream I had last night. I've never felt so much pain and fear in a dream before...

"It isn't the time to worry about such useless things" I say to myself, as I was washing my dishes.

Futaba entered with such energy, as usual. I've never seen her in a school uniform. I blushed a little bit.

"Why are staring at me like an Onix ?"

"Oooh hum, nothing, that's nothing."

I patpatted her for no reason.

"Wha." Futaba didn't have time to reply as Sojiro interrupted us.

"Alright kids, it is time to go, else you'll miss your train"

We left the house and started walking to the subway. I still can use my third eye in the real world, but I don't know why, I feel my power isn't the same as usual. Maybe because of my lack of sleep... When we arrived at school, everyone was there, even Makoto, who's at college now, but starts school after us.

"Renren !" Ryuji came to slap me in the head, "how were your holidays in your city ?"

"They were pretty good, I've finally managed to see my family."

"I can't believe we are in 3rd year of high school..." Ann says, disappointed.
Makoto turned to her.

"That means... You need to work more than before."

Ruiji felt hopeless, "cmooooon, 2nd year was already a challenge for me..."

*school bell rings

"Let's do our best this year, as students, and as Phantom Thieves." I say as we were walking, faced to our fate.

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