Part 7

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Chapter 7

I wake up to Dusk, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"What happened," I ask her sitting up from the bed.

"Daddy said to get you up, it's breakfast time," She tells and starts to pull my arms.

I get up and allow the little girl to pull me into the main kitchen.

The boys are sitting at the table with 2 other plates surrounding them.

"Hey," I say to them

"Hey Star," Hyperion says to me looking up from his plate

Dusk and I sit down on opposite sides of the table.

Dusk starts to pile food onto her plate and I do the same.

We all eat in silence until...

"Danois was thinking we should play a game so we all can know each other" Hyperion says out of the blue.

I nod my head as I continue to eat.

As we start to clean up, the extra fabric from the pants unravels and I trip over it.

I brace myself for the fall but as the time comes, the fall doesn't.

I feel large hands grab onto me and I open my eyes to see someone's chest, I look to see Hyperion lifting me almost off the ground.

"Uh, thanks," I tell him, he almost looks to be in a trace of some sort.

"You can put me down now," I tell him and he hastily puts me down.

"Sorry," He tells me

We all walk towards the living room and sit down.

"So we are going to ask each other questions right," Danois asks

Hyperion and I nod our heads

"You can go first, Star," Hyperion says

I think of a basic question, you ask someone you just met. "What are your guy's favorite colors"

They all think for a few moments before Dusk is the first to respond.

" Purple, like the Sun"

Danois is the second to respond "Blue, Like the lakes"

Lastly, Hyperion "Light Grey"

"Like the color of your room?" I ask him


"What's your favorite food" Dusk asks

"Pizza" I answer

"The fruit, Dad always gets," Danois says

" The meat of Dregole" Hyperion answers lastly

"What's Pizza," Danois asks me

"Pizza is a food that was made on Earth, it had tomatoes, cheese, and other toppings." After explaining what pizza was to him, Danois still looks confused

"What's Earth," He asks me

I look at Hyperion and he nods in my direction.

I explain to the children what Earth was and the billions of species that lived there.

Danois and Dusk's face looked amazed at what this earth was.

"What was your family like on Earth," Hyperion asks me

I explained to them about how my family wasn't the best and how like the kids, my mother wasn't around much. I also told them how amazing my Dad was and how he was my hero against the many villains that held my life together.

"What's your favorite thing to do," I ask them

"Play with Danois" Dusk says

Like his sister, Danois says "Play with Dusk"

"Look at the stars and think to myself," Hyperion says

'Hmmm, seems like he does that a lot"

For the next couple hours, Hyperion and the kids ask me questions about earth and what life on there was like, while I asked questions about life on this planet.

Hyperion's watch goes off indicating that it's for bed. Like everyday Dusk and Danois change and go to bed.

"Hey, I wanna show you something," Hyperion tells me

We go outside and into the back.

There aren't as many trees as there are in the front. You get a good look at the Stars and they are almost as bright as the Sun that comes out in the morning.

"I spend almost 30 minutes after the kids go to sleep, just to look at the Stars and think about the day" Hyperion explains. He goes to sit down and pats the spot next to him, I go to sit down and look at Hyperion closer up.

You can see the hazel-brown eyes with his pitch-black hair almost darker than mine. There's also looks to be a beard growing.

We look at each other's eyes for a moment too long before both of us look away.

'What was that' I think to myself

"Let's go check on Sean," I say turning to him

We enter back into the house and go downstairs to the basement.

We enter the room and the Bandages are soaked in blood, meaning either the thread broke and the wound reopened or it's the blood from the sheets.

Going with Option 1, Hyperion quickly goes into one of the boxes and pulls out one of the needles and thread, also some bandages.

I go to Sean and unroll the bandage to welcome the bloody wound that has reopened during the day.

Rion quickly takes the needle and thread and starts to sew Sean's wound and this time even tighter this time.

Luckily there was a lot of blood loss, the bloodstain sheets made it look even worse though.

The whole process took 20 minutes before Hyperion thought it was good enough.

"Are you okay?" I ask Hyperion

Hyperion looks to have run a mile and a half but he nods his head and walks up the stairs to the living room

He sits down and begins to speak, " We were lucky to get there in time, if we didn't he could have or would have died"

My thoughts are full of questions but I decided not to ask them.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask him again

He nods, I walk upstairs and do what I do every day.

Like Hyperion, I think back on today's 'adventure'. Hopefully, Sean doesn't die.

I think back to what happened in the kitchen and Backyard. 'It's only been a couple of days, I don't catch feelings... Hell sometimes I don't even feel them' I think to myself

I get into bed and close my eyes hoping for a peaceful sleep.


Sorry for the late update....

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