Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

For the first time since I've gotten here, I woke
up without having Dusk or Hyperion wake me up.

I go to the main kitchen and see nobody's there huh. Maybe I could go exploring, see more than what Hyperion has shown me before anyone wakes up.

So I do just that I go into the box that has my clothes and puts on a pair of jeans and a purple t-shirt with the boots.

'Huh, maybe I should take something with me' I think to myself.

I look around the living room and Hyperion's Workshop to find a flashlight. I turn it on to see if it works and it does.

Taking that with me and that Lala fruit, I go outside.

I walk for a bit before looking around."The Sun is just starting to rise, no wonder why anyone isn't up." I speak my thoughts out loud

Without Hyperion, with me, it's a bit harder for me to walk without tripping ever couple steps.

I walk for maybe 15 minutes or so before finding a Dregole... 'Huh, I didn't bring a knife'

Instead of trying to kill the animal, I get a bit closer. The animal looks back at me in almost fear.

I put out my hand to show that I'm not an enemy, the Dregole walks closer to me and sniffs my hand.

The seemly Male leans closer into my hand.

He takes a few steps back before taking a stick off the ground and gives it to me.

"What me to throw it," I ask the Dregole... " Hm, maybe I should give you a name," I think for a few moments

"I know, Xantos, that'll be your name" I look down at the Dregole.

Suddenly a small animal flies down. "Huh" I look down at the animal... 'Hm, Hyperion and I didn't see this animal on our journey.

I crouch down, "Hey, there," I say to the... female animal. The female looks at Xantos in almost Hunger.

I quickly stand in front of Xantos, in a protective matter. "No, you don't," I say to her.

She comes closer to Xantos and me, "I said, NO" I tell the animal. It looks to be hurt and starts this scream of some sort. A few seconds go by and a larger animal of the baby comes down.

'Oh my god, what do I do", I look back to see Xantos is gone.

"Hey, I'm sorry," I say to the mother and take a couple of steps back. One of its steps is 5 of mine. I take even more steps back before turning and running away from the Mother. "This is what I get for leaving the house without Hyperion"

I run for what it seems an hour or so.

I stop and look back for the Mother Dragon, it's not there.

I fall down on knees,' I feel like I could die right now' I'm panting as my lungs try to refill with air.

"Now where am I"

Hyperion's POV

I wake up to Dusk jumping up on the couch and waking me up in the process.

"Wake up, wake up Daddy" Dusk says to me happily.

"I'm up,lower your voice we don't want to wake up Star" I say to her. I look around to see Danois standing near the wall that leads up the staircase.

I stand up and pick up Dusk and go down the hall to the main Kitchen. "Stay here I'll go take a shower, pick out what you guys want to eat" I say them, setting Dusk down on the chairs.

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