Mystery Boy

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ashley searched the table for her phone trying to turn off the loud anoying alarm.

Today was Ashley's first day in her new school in California. Over the summer Ashley and her family moved from a small town in Alaska to California. It was 5:00 in the morning and Ashley had to be ready for school and leave buy 6:00. She gets up leaving the warm comfort of her bed and stumbles down stairs still half asleep.
"Good morning" Ashley mom said
"Morning what are you making?" Ashley
"Pancakes." Ashley's mom
"Yummy." Ashley
"Go get ready they will be done when your done." Ashley's mom

Ashley goes up the stairs and wakes up her younger sister buy a year Hope who is 15.

Then Ashley goes to get ready she straightens her long brown hair and changes into a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top with Obey on it and some all black vans and a white bennie. She lightly throughs on some make up and heads down stairs to eat. After breakfast her and her sister Hope go to the bus stop.

They arived at school and followed the croud of people to get there class assignments. The school in California was much bigger then the one in Alaska.

Ashley's POV:

This school is big and I have no idea wear I'm supposed to go I'm just gonna follow the crowd of people and hope to find my way to my first class which is English.
Random girl: Hey are you lost?
Me: Hey and yea I just moved here from Alaska. My name is Ashley
Random girl: I'll help you find your first class by the way my names Gina. What's your first class?
Me: Thank you and my first class is English.
Gina: Mine to it this way come one.

Me and Gina walked down the hallway. She walks fast and there are many people in the hall. Then all of a sudden. Bam!

My books fell all over the place.
Me: I am so sorry.
Random guy: No I'm sorry it was my fault I should of bin paying attention.

I was so busy picking up my books I didn't even notice the guy until he handed me my book. He was tall with brown hair that was perfectly spiked in the front with perfict brown eyes and an amazing facial structure.
Me: Thank you.
Random guy: Your welcome. I haven't seen you around are you new?
Me: Yes I just moved here.
Random guy: Oh my names Brent.

Before I could say anything the bell rang.
Brent: I gotta go I'll see you around.
Me: okay bye.

I walk over to Gina.
Me: That was so embarrassing.
Gina: Do you know who that is??
Me: No. Who?
Gina: That was Brent Rivera.
Me: So who is that?
Gina: You don't know who he is?
Me:No who is he??
Gina: I will show you later.

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