Nash and cam

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Ashley's POV:

Me and Gina were up first so we decided to find a creative way to wake up Brent.

"We could poor water over him." Gina excitedly said.

"No to messy."

"Smack cam?" She questioned

"No its bin done way to many times."

"Yea what if we go in there and yell something like fire and see what he does." She said smiling.

"Yes that is a great idea."

   We walk up the stairs to the guess room and quietly opened the door.

"FIRE FIRE!!!!!" we yelled.

"Umm what are you guys doing??" Brent question rubbing his eyes.

"Waking you up you would be bad in emergency situations." Gina said.

  We all went down stairs to eat. My mom made eggs, pancakes, and bacon. We all were eating when my phone went off.
Nash: Hey ate we still working on our project today?
Me: Yes I forgot I will come over after my friends leave.
Nash: okay text me and I'll come pick you up.

"Guys sorry but you have to go soon because I am going over a friends house to work on a project." I said as I put my plate in the sink.

"Okay." Gina and Brent said at the same time.

After we are done Gina and Brent get there things together and we all said goodbye. I got dressed. Today I wore a black tank top and Jean shorts with my old black convers. Nash came and picked me up.

"Hey partner." Nash said as I got in the car.


"Your gonna get to meet my roomate." He said.

"You have a roomate?"

"Yea we live together. He can be kind of a flirt." He answered.


  We get to this nice apartment and had to walk up a lot of stairs to get to Nash's floor. When he unlocked the door a cute guy with no shirt on and really really nice abs was sitting in a chair inside.

"Yo dude this is my parter Ashley."

"Hey my names cameron but u can call me cam." He said winking.

"Uhh hey I'm Ashley." It was hard for me to say that because I was so distracted by his abs.

"So what do you want to do for are project?" Nash asked ash he ran his fingers through his hair.

"What did we have to do it on again?"

"We had to paint something related to nature." Nash said.

"Oh let's paint a forest with animals."

"I love that idea." Nash says laughing.

We work for an hour on painting horrible animals in a forest.

"Hey wanna do something funny?" Nash whispered to me.


"When I say go press record." Nash says.

Nash gets some read paint in his hand and then nods at me to record. When I hit record he whispered "Smack cam." And ran into the room and smacked cam (haha get it smack cam and smacked cam) across the face with read paint.

"You mad or naw?" Nash yelled

"Naaw your dead." Cam said getting up as Nash and I ran. Nash, Cam and I through paint at each other having a war. My paint color was blue. Nash's color was red. Cam's color was green. At the end we had to see who won by who covered who with the most paint. I think it was a tie between nash and cam because they both teamed up and I was half green and half red every where.

"That was fun!"

"Yes."Nash and Cam said.

"I'm gonna go shower and clean up then when I'm done if u like u can shower." Nash said.


"I'll join her."Cam said winking.

"What? no."

"I'm just kidding. Unless u want me to." Cam said laughing. I rolled my eyes.

I talked with Cam until Nash was done then I went to get in.

"Give me your clothes so u can wash them." Nash said through the other side of the door.

"Okay." I wrapped my self in a tail and handed him my clothes.

"Hey here's some clothes for you to put on when you get out." Cam said though the door.

I open the door still rapped in the tail to take the clothes. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. You know it's still not to late for my offer to join you." Cam said laughing with a wink. I shut the door in his face.

When I got out of the shower I put on Cam's clothes. They smelled so good. I went out and Cam went to get in the shower. While I waited for my clothes to dry we ate some food and talked. By the time my clothes were dry I changed into them and Nash took me home.

  By the time I got home I was so tired I went up stairs to go to bed when my phone goes off.
Blocked number: watch your back.

What? Who could it be from. Kate? Is this what she ment buy or eals? I laid in bed and went to sleep with all of these questions in my head.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I have bin really busy and school and stuff. I hope you like the book so far. Let me know what you think. Thank you ☺

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