It was on your fifth date and Jay had taken you to meet Neytiri (RIP) at his house. She was in her tank and you and Jay were just watching her for a few minutes. "She is lovely Jay" you said moving to go sit on the couch. He nodded "yeah she is gorgeous and now needs fed." Quickly he left the room and came back with a tub of mice for her. "I think I'm going to leave for this part, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" you softly said and walked away. However Jay wasn't having it and followed you, "Why it's just some mice." "Yeah well I'm kinda squeamish so get then away from me" you warned backing away from Jay. He wasn't deterred by your threat and kept walking towards you. "James stop please" the pleas made Jay giggle "they're not gross just come feed tia with me.". Stupidly you managed to trip over something and land on your bum and Jay being the clumsy guy he is managed to fall on top of you and let the mice go. "Jay, please move the floor isn't very comfortable" you breathed out looking at his face. His smile grew and his lowered his face to yours. Tentatively his lips touched yours. You soon forgot about the uncomfortable floor as his lips distracted you. Pulling away slowly you breathed a laugh "this doesn't change the fact that I won't be feeding Tia." Jay laughed and then kissed you again and again for most of the afternoon.
Going to the fair was always fun, and going with Max was even better as he was more entertaining than usual. You'd been out for a few hours and he'd won you a giant teddy bear. The night was packed full of memories for you but Max wanted some physical reminder of the fun date. So he dragged you into the photo booth. "Lets take some funny pictures" he exclaimed. You couldn't say no to that face so you went and sat next to him in the booth. The two of you started pulling different faces and making each other laugh. After you had finished sticking your tongue out at the camera you looked at Max and noticed he was looking at you. The camera was still taking photos as you and Max leaned into your first kiss. Now you thought the photo booth was a great idea as now you had a photo of your first kiss with Max.
You were spending the evening with Nath and it was your third date. You had been on one out and about but the best ones are when you are curled up watching movies with him. It felt natural to be with him all snuggled up. "Why do you always put on soppy movies when you hate crying?" Nathan asks when you start sniffling. You shrugged your shoulders "I enjoy the romace and the gestures but the characters being apart is sad, most of the tears are happy anyway." "Why'd you want to cry even at happy bits?" he asked in confusion. "I don't enjoy crying, I like feeling happy for them it gives me hope for myself" you say twiddling your thumbs and looking away from him. There was a light pull at your chin and Naths lips were softly placed on yours. Let's just say the movie was forgotten about.
It couldn't have been more perfect. It was New Year's Eve and he had invited you to a party he and the boys were throwing. When it was a few minutes to midnight you started looking around trying to find Siva. "Jay you seen Seev?" You asked Jay. He shook his head "no, but I'll keep an eye out." You thanked him and continued looking for him throughout the flat. The countdown was just starting and you were wondering if you were going to have a New Years kiss. " 10...9...8.." Everyone was beginning to partner up and you felt slightly left out as there was still no sign off Seev. "5...4...3...2." Everyone was shouting out in time with the countdown but you were just looking at the ground. Right as the clock hit midnight fingers gently lifted your face up and lips touched yours. You were briefly shocked but then relaxed into the kiss. Pulling away you opened your eyes and saw a grinning Siva. "Wanted to start the new year right" he said making you smile before going into kiss you again. It was the start of a great year.
You were over at Tom's after your work and he brought up the fact that in the you two would have to tell the fans eventually. "If we did how would we do it, I mean like would it be a twitcam or on an interview or just let the paparazzi find out" you started getting a bit panicky. He wrapped his arms around you "we don't need to worry about this yet." To try and stay calm Tom slowly traces shapes into your side. "But what if your fans don't like me or your family and the boys what if they..." You were cut off midrant when Tom's lips crashed against yours. Slightly shocked by his actions you were standing still before you realised what was happening and you moved your lips against his. Kissing Tom felt so right and natural. You moved your hands into his hair and deepened the kiss. Pulling away you looked up into his eyes to see them staring at you "you don't need to worry about it ever okay." His hands were lightly caressing your face you smile and nod before resting your forehead against his.