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I held Perla and Dotty within my hands and close to my chest as I still stood where White put me, I was unsure whether or not I should truly trust her. I was more leaning towards Blue if anything since what happened, but White seemed to be unsure of what happened too. Sometimes I hate my thoughts, I never know what I would want to do. Well, when Pink's around I always know what to do and now she's not here. What do I do? I just have Perla and Dotty, they just want to stay with me, waiting for me to do something or say something. I sigh and began to walk "My- Beige?" I heard Perla speak, I knew she was confused on what I was doing and probably Dotty aswell. However, I didn't quite like staying in one place for some reason. I just needed to move. I didn't know where I was walking or going in that matter, something was just telling me to go and move. My feet lead me to wherever. To where, I didn't know. To something or one, I didn't know either. The halls seemed to be endless the more I walk through them, I made sure my hand secured the two gems within my hands in hopes not to drop them

I soon stopped myself from going any further as the halls now became very unfamiliar. Where was I? Why does this place have so many halls? Where do they lead? Where do they go? I didn't even know I was turning until I fell onto my behind? Perla and Dotty landing within my lap. I was so lost. So confused. I felt something run sown my check as I covered my face with my hands. I just wanted to be with somebody. I just wanted to be with pink. I saw shaking, I knew I was because I could feel myself shaking "It's alright beige..." I heard Dotty's soft voice speak, her small hand coming into contact with my arm. It made me feel a bit better, now that my mind had registered that I was indeed with at least somebody. Perla and Dotty. I lowered my hands from my face to look at the two gems that have been with me every since this started, ever since this awful feeling began to grow in my gem the moment I saw pink's gem on the floor. I used the back of my hand to wipe the blurriness out from within my hands and set them down beside me. Although Dotty taught me of what little we would learn, I was confused on what I felt within me. I wasn't angry or sad or upset or anything Dotty had explained

I just felt... Empty

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 | {√}Where stories live. Discover now