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Virgil woke up with a very painful headache. He thought that he must have drunk again as he sighed looking at the time. 8 am. It was Thursday so he didn't have to work. Virgil got up with a sigh and headed to the Kitchen. He noticed his phone was on the table with a note

Dear Virgil,

Morning! Both me and Dolos headed to work. And we also set you up on a date with your lover for this Saturday at the cafe (take a look at the messages on your phone). Have fun!

- Dolos and Roman

Virgil's face went red. A-A date?! Virgil swore to god he going murder them when they get back. He checks his phone and reads the messages that took place last night as Virgil sighed. Now he has a date.

Virgil went to get some cereal as his mind raced with many thoughts. "What should I wear? Oh god, should I pay, then I need to get some money out of my account? Maybe I should bring him some flowers or something? But what does he like??" He thought to himself, freaking out as he saw another text from him

"Good morning Virgil, a reminder for our little meetup Sat, in front of your bookstore just in case you forget. See you then"

- Logan

He slowly began to calm down, relaxing. He could do this, he wouldn't mess up

*The day of the date*

Virgil dressed up in a dark purple shirt and some jeans, not wanting to wear a sweater as that might see not formal. He did his hair and waved to his two friends, who were watching a Disney movie before heading out to their place to meet

He noticed Logan was there already which made him anxious for making Logan waiting as he took a deep breath and went over

He didn't realize it but god Logan looked good. He was wearing some blue jeans and a black shirt with a brain on it, quite casual.

"Oh, greetings Virgil," Logan said with a smile

"Heya, you look good," Virgil said, a compliment is always the best way to begin a date

"Oh, thank you. I don't have a variety of casual clothes so I hoped it was alright" Logan said

"No no, you're perfect," Virgil said with a small smile. "C'mon, let's go to the cafe," He said as Logan nodded and they both made their way, getting a nice seat in the beautiful weather

When the waiter arrived, Logan ordered a black coffee and Virgil did too, both not like sweet things. After the waiter left, Virgil knew he had to make a conversation. He took a breath and looked at the other

"So...where do you work?" Virgi; asked, mentally cursing himself for asking a stupid question

"Oh, I'm actually a writer, I do books on Astronomy and astrology," Logan said which interested him

"Is that why you take out so many books?" Virgil asked

"Yes, I like to gather different sources to prove my theories," Logan said with a hint of pride

"That's...really neat" Virgil admitted which surprised Logan

"Really? Most people think...it's nerdy" Logan admitted looking down.

"I think it's cool, you seem really smart," Virgil said which made Logan feel happy. "Oh, thank you" He admitted

Soon their coffees came and Virgil agreed to pay, but Logan said they should split the bill 50/50 as to make it fair, which Virgil agreed to

They both continued chatting, drinking their own coffee. Virgil really liked Logan, more than before. He was smart, yet he wasn't egoistic, and he was kind

Eventually, after an hour or two, they both decided to split their ways.

"Hey Logan, how about another date- I mean meetup?" Virgil suggested hoping Logan didn't notice

"Oh sure, where do you have in mind?" Logan asked

"Just meet me up by the bookstore, next week at 5 pm, after my shift, we'll go out for some drinks," Virgil said

"Oh, I don't drink often but I don't mind. Sure" He said

"Great, see you later," Virgil said waving to the other and heading out

Logan waved and headed out, thinking about the meetup. Virgil was very kind, and funny, and sarcastic, in a good way. Logan felt his cheeks heat up. Was..he in love?

My One and Only - An Analogical Mini-fic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now