Deathly Silence

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She's hiding in her bedroom

her blood splattered on the floor

her back to her door

she has a reason yaknow

There's a voice in her head

Saying: "your not good enough"

Saying: "you deserve to be dead"

She looks in her mirror

and burst into tears

the voice comes again

pounding in her ears;

"you deserve this every single cut you deserve to die, you stupid little bitch"

Your right she thought to her self

I deserve it all.

I don't deserve to be here

all it needs is one big fall

she when to right a note

but she threw them away in the bin

word could never describe how she let the voice in

"Do it! Do it!you ugly piece of shit"

she stepped onto the legged

she had to do it now

it taunts her

when she's lying in her bed

it screams bad thoughts

she took a deep breathe

all she wants is silence

her own mind back

the only answer was volence

now she knew

as long as her heart was beating

the voice would always be there

always repeating

no one even heard her

as quiet as mice

she finally got her silence

but her life was the price.

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