Chapter #3

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I'm still there, in a horried mess while Marylnn and Sal are complaining to each other on how Marylnn should be less annoying and how Sal is too annoying in a really quiet type of way. "You're too loud and annoying!" "Well you're too introverted to even see that I'm fun and you're too boring! Your always there with that lame cat of yours! I wish mom never had you!"

Sal was only five at the time but he had enough knowledge to understand that Marylnn rather have him drop dead. His eyes became all teary. He squeezed Arthur tighter, Arthur began to purr to try to calm down Sal but it didn't work. "WELL! ... I HATE YOU TOO! I HATE YOU MARYLNN! YOU'RE NEVER NICE TO ME!"

He ran upstairs and slammed a door real hard to shake the ground. He even yelled something about leaving her to Old Nick. We stood in silence. Marylnn stomped her foot. "What a crybaby! He's nothing but dead silence over there!... C'mon Sal, you're so boring, I thought you knew by now." She stomps her her foot again. I on the other hand only felt bad for Sal. I don't have any siblings of my own but I know I wouldn't do that. I hope not.

I'm still in silence, I want to lecture her about that wasn't very positive and all but I just couldn't. I was mostly on Sal's side because Marylnn can get too loud sometimes, I had to agree. I step back and go upstairs to find Sal. "Sal?" I whisper, I don't Marylnn knowing I'm finding him. "Sal!" I whisper louder. I look in all of the rooms. Nothing. I check the hall closet. Still nothing. Ugh, Sal! Where are you? I go downstairs to check but I know he's upstairs somewhere. I still can't find him. There's no clue or trace of him. That's until.... I heard it.

It was only in my head, I could tell by Marylnn she had no reaction to it. Or was it that she was just ignoring it.

I hear it again.

I hear it once more.


It finally stopped and a flash of a broken doll with a cracked face it being held by a girl with long brown bangs and a white powdery nightgown. They turn facing me with a weird smile. "Care to play..." Her voice sounds so broken. Like a voice box that's been stomped on so many times and been forced to work. I didn't understand, she's a human girl, why does she sound and look like more of a doll? Her porcelain white skin is one of the doll-like features I really notice. "They made me like this, now it's your turn..." She laughs like last her her mind. For a young girl, how did she become so insane. "You're not going anywhere...."

My eyes widen. I'm back in the dining room where Marylnn sits. I'm mute for a while. I was just in a dark room now I'm back from where I once was.

Nothing makes sense now, what was that just now? I shake my head only saying to myself its just me. I go back to searching for Sal.

It took me long enough to realize that Sal was in the attic, but no one is allowed there, then how he get there. I hear steps up there. It sounds like young kid so I suggest it's him. I go up there although I know I'm not supposed to. This is for Sal.

I finally reach my destination and search this place. Its all clean and tidy, not like a dusty old attic I've ever seen. I look around for Sal but mostly I'm looking at the antiques there. From mirrors to phones all the way to radios. That's when I spoted a dollhouse. This was a really huge and large one, basically so you can play with porcelain dolls then. I notice a doll on the floor. It's a rag doll with red hair, black button eyes with a red stained dress. I pick it up with pleasure. It stares down at me with its pink checks with freckles. Until, that's when I noticed something. Her dress. It wasn't pure red cloth, infact, it used to be a white one until this red liquid stained it. I freaked out. What!?

"Sal! Sal? Sal!?... SAL!" I screamed I felt something against my spine. Get out! Get out! Just get out! Sal's not here!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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