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now playing let me love u - wayv

it was three in the morning when donghyuck opened the door to his silent apartment.

he carefully closed the door, locking it down and turning around. he saw mark's backpack with his homework stacked neatly next to it on the floor, and takeout still on the kitchen table. donghyuck sighed, his tired body drifting to check on minki like how he always did.

the boy opened the door to his room, and immediately felt his heart melt.

minki was hugging his stuffed lion, fast asleep and huddled in his blankets. next to him, mark was also asleep, keeping a safe hold on his son with one arm, the other limply holding a children's book in his hand.

donghyuck had never owned a children's book before.

mark actually ended up buying one for minki, so that he could read with him while they spent their time together at the daycare. he had kept it in his backpack the whole time, and when the baby started to get sleepy he read to him.

the older just ended up lulling himself to sleep as well, and didn't even realize it.

mark's curly-ish dark hair was messy across his forehead, and it honestly made him look utterly adorable and peaceful. donghyuck didn't have the heart to wake him up, much more at this hour of the night. so instead, he tiptoed into the room to properly drape the blanket onto mark and watched over them for a brief moment, soundlessly leaving soon after.

the boy ended up taking a seat on a stool he had in his tiny kitchen. he put his bag on top of the table, using it as a pillow to rest his head on. donghyuck was truthfully very tired, and really only wanted to sleep now.

so, he did.

around twenty minutes had passed and just as the boy was about to fully knock out, he suddenly felt arms delicately snake around his waist. donghyuck yelped, jumping off the stool with fright yet feeling those arms tighten just the slightest bit to keep him from falling over.

"i'm sorry.. i didn't mean to scare you," mark's voice was deep, groggy, and something that made donghyuck's heart flutter for reasons he couldn't explain. "why didn't you wake me up? you shouldn't have to sleep in the kitchen when it's your house." the older couldn't help his slight frown.

donghyuck, feeling the adrenaline of being startled  quickly dialing down and the need for sleep start to take over greatly, absentmindedly was leaning into mark's touch. he honestly was trying not to, but the warmth of his body and how comfortable it was had made it pretty much impossible. ".. i'm sorry." donghyuck exhaustingly muttered, basically resting against mark now. the older was quick to notice this, so brought him in closer and eventually picked him up, carrying him like the sleepy baby he was and walking into minki's room silently. he understood the younger didn't want him to he uncomfortable, and that it was really the only thing he wanted.

and luckily, minki's bed was just enough.

mark placed donghyuck on the baby's bed gently, him going in as well. now, the boy was in the middle between his son and mark. the older's space wasn't big, though it also wasn't too small either. donghyuck wanted to tell him that it was fine, that he would take the floor or something, but in all honesty he was just way too tired to do so. he opened his eyes ever so slightly and saw his son in his gaze. the boy used an arm to bring the baby closer to him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

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