Chapter 8

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We all have them...

And with a family as big as mine you'll find there are a lot of secrets... So we get together once a week and tell them to each other... Just amongst us kids...

But someone *Cough* Lexx *Couch* is a little tattle tale and can't be trusted.

Loki was telling us how he managed to scratch vanzilla with Bobbi's rhinestone purse... Then covered it up with tooth paste and other things.

Luke had managed to rock out so hard that he caused our whole block's power to fail...

Lars painted mom's dress pitch black.

Linka broke dad's disco ball, he was so proud of winning it too, with her remote control airplane.

After she dropped that little secret we stared at hee dumbfounded "Man... If dad hears that your toast" Luke said laughing nervously.

"Yeah I'll be as dead as disco" Linka said nervously. I shook my head "Don't worry, I managed to break dad's microphone while practicing a song..." I admitted.

"Wow... We are catastrophic" Loki said stunned at our accidents.

The door burst open and instantly we fell silent. Lexx stood looking at us with wide eyes "Why are you all here?" he asked innocently before that innocence turned to anger "Your telling secrets again?! Aren't you?!"

He threw down his crown and yelled "I'm going to start my own club that none of you can be a part of!" before stomping off.

"I feel bad for excluding him..." I said biting my lip. Luke shook his head "No way, don't feel bad sis, we can't trust him with our secrets"

I nodded softly "Yeah I guess you're right..."

They shrugged and continued with their sharing... I got a really bad feeling though... Almost like Lexx would find out... I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to worry them...

The next morning I woke up with Lexx hovering over me...

I yelped and fell off the bed with a rather harsh thump "Come play with me (Reader)! I need a queen" he said wagging his eyebrows up and down.

I groaned and shook my head "Maybe later Lexx. I'm not gonna be your queen though" I grumbled getting up.

He gave a cackle "Oh then I guess I'll just have to tell dad who really broke his microphone"

I paused mid step and nearly face planted into the wall...

"How did you...?"

He cackled again and I sighed as I did what he said. I really don't wanna die before I experience my first Disney world adventure...

He sat on my lap while we played tea party with poor Leif who acted as the butler.

Lexx made me carry him to the bathroom and everywhere else..

He made Lars drive him around while he sat on my lap in his toy car...

I was getting sick of this...

He made Linka get him things that was Right. Next. To. Him.

I took a deep breath to keep my anger under control when he forced Lynn to carry him around and Lane to be his jester.

He even forced Luke to obey his dumb wishes. I was just about ready to blow my top when Loki called a meeting.

"Who's the rat?!" Luke demanded obviously livid.

Everyone began arguing and fighting with each other while Loni was screaming about a rat.

"Guys!" Linka called over their voices, making them fall quiet.

"It's obvious none of us is the rat..." I said seriously.

"Ew a rat!"

"How else did he find out?!"

"Who's been snitching then?"

"Snitches get stitches"

"I will bury that person alive"

"Guys, stop it. No one here snitched- his crown..." I suddenly spotted his crown.

I walked over and found a wire typed to it...

"I knew it..." I mumbled and held it up so they could see it.

They instantly wanted to make their threats a reality and unlucky me was blocking the door.

Luckily for me Linka thought of a quick and very, very good plan before they could clobber anyone...

"Let's find some dirt on him... That way we can manipulate him instead of the other way around"

They instantly paid attention and had a lot of questions because Lexx always covered his tracks...

"His pageant school..." I realized "The kids there would know a lot of things..."

They instantly nodded and made a plan of who to send... Unfortunately I couldn't go because that would make him suspicious...

Meaning I had to hold myself tame for another day while Linka and Loki were going to his school...

"I can't believe he'd be this cruel" I sighed and shook my head "I had to restrain myself from strangling him almost all day just because he thinks he can go around acting like a spoiled brat"

Everyone agreed and vented. Honestly today was just too much...

Little did we know that Lexx heard our venting...

The next day passed, we went to school and came home with Linka and Loki ready to confront our little brother when we saw him leaving mom and dad's room.

Horror settled over us all as mom and dad thanked him for telling them something he told them.

"What did you do..." Lars asked scaring everyone but me...

Lexx looked down as mom answered "Lexx just told us about a few of his accidents... He's grounded for a week, he can't leave his  room"

We looked at him stunned as mom and dad went back into their room.

"I just wanted to hang out with you guys..." he said to our unasked question of why...

We looked at each other then looked down as he walked to his room silently.

"Guys... I think we can trust him" I said softly.

Sure, he can be bratty but that doesn't mean that he isn't our little brother... And it certainly doesn't mean we don't love him...

"Okay we can let him join..."

"But only if he zips his lip"

Lane and Loki said calmly.

We didn't waist time while getting snacks and going to Lexx and Leif's room.

I gave a small knock on the door. He opened the door and frowned up at us "Hey, I know we can sometimes seem like we are shutting you out... But it's just..." I paused not knowing how to continue...

"You tend to tell our secrets... Or blackmail us with them" Loki said in a surprisingly gentle voice.

Lexx looked down and gave a silent nod "That's why... If you promise no one will ever hear our secrets..."

"And if you promise to not blackmail us with it" Linka finished for me.

Hope filled his eyes and he nodded rapidly. We rushed in and passed around the snacks while telling every secret we still have hidden.

It was fun... And everyone got included in a non judging group...


Hey guys. I write these chapters from memory of the original episode so if you have a episode you'd like to be in please fill me in on what happened in that episode so that I can write it!
Till next time

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