Chapter 10

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First off... 6K?! Omw! Thank you guys so much! Remember to leave a like, comment AND a episode request!

Also just because I love my readers I stayed up to 3:47 in the morning to finish this chapter for you. Its a bit short and I apologize for that but I couldn't think of anything else to write.... Sooo... Yeah....

In the Loud house there are very few days we dread... But one day took the cake...

April fools day...

It's the one day of the year where Lane goes... Insane... He goes from sweet lovable joker to sadistic and merciless monster...

He's shaved our pets, Loki's eyebrows, trapped us in jelly and once he even filled my bed with fake spiders... I thought I was doomed... He's nailed the furniture to the roof and poured itch powder into our laundry...

But this year we are taking precautions... Levi built a bomb shelter, and everyone else took to body protection... Like bubble wrap and things like that...

Linka and I however have boarded up ourselves in the room and have enough snacks for today and tomorrow. We even have a potty in here...

I had just finished getting our movie marathon set up when Linka's phone rang loudly.

"It's Ron!" she squealed adorably before answering.

Instantly her face fell... And it fell hard... She hung up and looked at me "He's comming over tomorrow to give me a present... I don't want him to get caught in the pranks..."

I gave a small sigh before going to our siblings (aside from Lane...) and mumbled a plan to stop the sadistic pranking monster...

We waited until he was at his most vulnerable before Lexx gave a bird call. We jumped and instantly went to tie Lane up.

"You'll regret this!" Lane said laughing like a maniac. The twins trapped his fingers with those Chinese finger traps...

We backed away and closed the door to his room.

We were able to sleep soundly and peacefully that night knowing Lane can't prank us tomorrow...

A loud shreek woke us up early the next morning. We ran to the room to find the cage that kept Lane from destroying the world as we knew it... Was broken and the Chinese finger traps were also broken...

Instantly we all hid in Linka's room or in Levi's bomb shelter. Luke wanted to come closer to me but I put Loki and Loni between us and looked at Linka as she begun freaking out about Ron comming over.

Lane had a fair game rule. Meaning that anyone caught in his pranking wasn't his problem. I sighed as I set my hands on linka's shoulders "Lets go set off the pranks together" she looked at me wide eyed before nodding slowly.

That's how we ended up de-pranking most of the upstairs. Crazy raccoons attacked me when I went into Luke and Lane's room.

I got wacked by shaving cream mixed with one of Levi's failed experiments, meaning I was turning an odd shade of bluish green.

Linka called Clydia to de-prank Loki's room. So I left that to her.

I got electricuted when I touched a doorknob, I walked or rather stumbled downstairs and got covered in a type of face mask that pulled out everything... Including skin... Luckily I was wearing a beanie and had covered my face just in time.

Another crazy racoon attacked me... The floor of the kitchen was covered in some kind of sticky substance, which made my shoes stick to the floor.

I just managed to dodge one of Leon's dirty diapers and was shocked to find Lane frowning at me "Why are you still mad at Luke?" he asked and since I was trapped I couldn't walk away.

I gave a sigh and looked at him "Because he's one of my best friends... And he brushed me off for some... Girl..." I scowled feeling my heart shrink in pain at the thought.

Lane nodded slowly and pressed his lips... Well as much as he could with his buck teeth... "He didn't say sorry yet?" he asked slowly. I shook my head.

Lane nodded with a evil cackle before doing acrobatic moves out of the kitchen. I heard the door open and managed to peek around the door to see Ron holding a box while Lane explained his Master plan to a ragged looking Linka.

He called Ron.  This was all a prank... Ron was supposed to smash a pie into Linka's face... But I could see he was subtly very grateful towards Linka for her bravery.

Ron made a smart move and smashed the pie into Lane's face

I smirked at that before Ron took Linka's hand "Lets go draw your eyebrows back on" he said sweetly.

It wasn't until everyone was relaxed did we realize that Loni was missing... The family packed into vanzilla while I decided to walk.

I saw a blue paint bomb go off and heard Lane sigh sadly from inside "Now that it's all over I'm feeling a bit blue... Get it?" he laughed happily. I only smiled to myself as I continued walking.

Apparently Leif had eaten all the supplies in mine and linka's room so Loni volunteered to get more food but got lost because of miss leading signs.

Luke's POV

Man I really screwed up this time... What was I thinking? I pushed my best friend of four years away for some girl that I barely knew... And what makes it even worse is that I didn't even apologize...

(Reader) is so mad at me she won't even look at me... Never mind talk to me... I stared down at the song I wrote for her to say sorry and hoped that I could sing it to her after she read it...

Everyone had gone looking for Loni but I stayed behind for incase he came wandering back so I slipped the song under her pillow along with her favorite candy and my favorite guitar pick because I couldn't play guitar without my favorite girl...

I just hope that this was enough... Enough to say sorry for being such a dunce...

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