Jack hated being the center of attention. Everyone in the room was staring at him the two guys in suits weren't helping it either. It had all started this morning when he was in class "studying for his test". Then, suddenly two guys burst in the room. Jack thought they were just two guys sent by the Superintendent talking about bullying again.That wasn't even close. "Jack Williams", shouted the dark skinned dude in the black suit. He seemed to have hair poking from under his pant leg and his knees were bent as if he was ready to attack at any moment. "Jack Williams", said these again. Jack tried to slide under his seat before the to guys could notice him, but as expected his arch-nemesis Joe had the nerve to stand up and walk to Jack and proudly say, "here he is". All eyes turned toward Jack and the second man who wore a light gray suit but had a twinkle in his eye as if he was baring the pain of everyone in the room. "Come to the front of the room Mr.Williams,"said Mr. Lowkey his English teacher he had a large nose and his eyebrows were connected to his hairline. As jack walked up to the two odd men his classmates snickered. " WE HAVE THE WORLD RECORDS FOR SUSPENSIONS," murmured Joe in his best sports announcer voice. "Shut it bird face", Jack shouted back on the verge of starting war. "ENOUGH!!" shouted the gray suited guy. "Calm down Nico, they're just kids.
"Well these kids are wasting our valuable time", stated the one called Nico obviously annoyed. "No more stalling Mr. Williams come with us."
With out another word Jack walked out the room with the two men. As they reached the school doors, uncomfortable with the silence Jack stupidly says " My foster mom told me never to go anywhere with strangers".
"Don't worry kid we'll take real good care you," mumbled Nico almost with a twisted amusement.Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!!😁