Chapter 9: Fights, Lost Memories and Love Lights

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The group of ten walked through the forest on their way to Inferno's lair. When they were halfway there, the sun began to set as they decided to rest for the night in a small cave.

The next morning, they continued on their way.

When they were right outside of the lair, Mewtwo felt their presence and went to warn Inferno.

"Those pathetic little nuisances are back, Master. What should we do?" Mewtwo asked.

"Make sure everyone is ready. We finish this today. Those pathetic children won't stand a chance against us. They are obviously outnumbered." Inferno replied.

Mewtwo nodded as he left Inferno's room and went to check to see if the rest of the team was ready. He went into the training room.

"Abrafo, Sigmund, Darkrai, Pikachu villagers!! The children have arrived!! It is time for our ultimate battle!!" He told them.

"We have prepared for this moment for a long time. We are ready." One of the Pikachu responded in determination.

"Good." Mewtwo stated.

The group of ten were still waiting outside of the cave.

"What's the plan?" Chase asked.

"Hm..." they thought about it for a moment until Dusk got an idea.

"Lightning and I should fight Inferno and Abrafo. Amethyst and Shade should look for Sigmund and get him to release the villagers, Mewtwo and Darkrai. While Mew and Zapdos fight against Mewtwo and Darkrai and Electra, Chase, Sparks and Thunder keep the Pikachu villagers busy until Amethyst and Shade defeat Sigmund." Dusk explained.

The rest of the group nodded in understanding. "We still must be extremely careful. This fight might be the most difficult one we will have. We must watch over each other's backs." Lightning replied.

"Right!" The others agreed.

"So...Are we ready?" Amethyst asked.

"I hope so. We must do this... for the sake of the Pikachu villagers." Thunder answered.

"Alright... Then let's go!" Lightning replied.

Suddenly they heard a voice echo from within the cave. "How brash of you to return back here to face us. You should have just given up while you had the chance. You children must be completely brainless to think you can defeat us." Mewtwo said.

The group of Pokémon trembled from hearing Mewtwo's voice. Thunder stepped closer towards the cave with determination in his expression. He may have been afraid but it was difficult to tell. He stood up on a rock in front of the cave and spoke up. "We will never give up. I am the leader of the Pikachu Village and my responsibility is to protect them and I will not be hesitant to do just that!" He announced.

"Hm... Very well then. I suppose you will die trying. Enter if you dare!!" Mewtwo responded.

Thunder nodded as he jumped off of the rock and gestured the others to follow him into the cave.

When they were in the cave, they saw Inferno, Abrafo, Mewtwo and Darkrai glaring at them at the entrance.

Lightning and Dusk glared back at them. Lightning's electric sacs sparked to life as she gritted her teeth in anger.

Mewtwo broke the silence as he grunted in amusement. "I see you have recruited Mew and Zapdos. Maybe you're not as dumb as we thought, but we still won't be easy on you. We will still persevere and we will win!" Mewtwo said.

"We'll see about that. You took my friends and family away from me and are using them against us. We will not give up so easily!!" Lightning growled in anger.

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