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Yes, you guessed it, I'm fucking late, again —this is becoming a habit, not good T—, but this time, it's 11:10 and my class started at 10:30 —in case you don't do math, that's 40 minutes late...ok, no big deal, it's Friday, just relax, I tell myself —no can do, I have a fucking quiz, like now. As I near the classroom, I slow down my gait, smooth down my skirt, and take a deep breath in an attempt to control my breathing —I don't want to look flustered and disheveled, at least not in this situation.
As I reach for the door handle, I notice that everybody is putting away their stuff to get ready for the quiz —damn do I have good timing. Nobody looks up as I enter the room...except for him —so fucking delusional, I frown and shake my head; he's not interested in me, he has a girlfriend. Obviously, the gods have decided to punish me because the only empty seat is the one right in front of him —fml.
After the quiz, during the break, I decide to go drink some water —two floors down because I have no idea where all the other water fountains are. Little do I know that he also had that brilliant idea. As I walk back up the stairs to the classroom, we cross paths.
"Hey, how's it going," he asks, slowing down for me to catch up.
"Good," I say as I catch up to him, "how was the quiz this morning?"
"Meh. So so," he frowns lightly, "I felt more confident on the last one...and I got 0.5..."
"Out of 3?" Yes, brilliant idiot, all our quizzes are on 3. "How come?"
"I don't know." Ok then, end of the conversation. With nothing but an awkward silence to fill the space between us, we walk back to class.
"So, are you going to that event tonight?"  He asks. Okaaaaay...random question.
"Umm..." I stutter, what was it he said again? "What event?"
"Wine tasting."
"Oh," I don't drink, "no, I didn't even know about it until now. How about you?"
"No, I'm working tonight."
"Oh," why did he even ask then, "what do you work in?"
"I'm a busboy for a restaurant on 43rd st."
"Oh. Cool." Lamest answer ever, but what else was I supposed to say.
"Do you work?"
"Yeah, I coach a high school volleyball team."
"That's fun!"
And back to class.

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