♡ Matt Image ♡

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* Your P.O.V *

I hated not seeing Matt even if it means not seeing him for a week. Matt has been in Los Angeles lately and the distance has been killing me only because Matt is my best friend. Whenever I needed to vent/rant to someone I always went to Matt. When I felt sad or lonely Matt was there to come over or cheer me up. Obviously I would do the same for Matt. But since he's been gone I felt so alone but the worst part is that I have a crush on him and I know he won't go for a girl like me. Yeah, he called me beautiful and it makes me so happy. But he means it in a friend like way. Nothing more.

But Matt is currently in Los Angeles while I'm here in Virginia. Matt always keeps in contact with me just because he knows I miss him so much.

I looked out my window as the rain came down harder and harder each passing moment. Matt still hasn't called me. It's 10:46 pm here which means it's 7:46 pm in California. I didn't want to bother Matt so I threw on some basket ball shorts and a t- shirt. I sat on my couch watching tv and then I got a text message. It was from Matt.

The text read “Hey best friend. What are you doing? ”

I plastered a smile on my face because I can read that in Matt's voice.

I texted back “ I'm watching TV. You? ”

I sent the text to him and as it was sending Matt was already calling me. The name Best Friend appeared on the screen with a picture of him.

“Hey,” I said as I answered his phone call. “Hey.” he said sounding a bit tired. It worried me so I asked if he was okay. “Yeah. I'm just getting a little sick, ” he said. “Awe. Well I hope you get better, ” I say.

“Thanks. So I have something to tell you.” he said as his voice got shaky. “Matt, what's wrong? ” I asked. By this moment. I was terrified for what he was gonna say.

“I don't think I'll be coming back to Virginia. I mean I'm coming back but I just don't know when.” he said.

My heart dropped. What was I suppose to do without him? He was the only person I have. Matt was my best friend and I know the distance would ruin us. But I tired to keep my voice steady. “Oh. Well hopefully I'll see you soon, ” I said.

“Yeah. Well I gotta go. I'll call you when you wake up.” he said.

“Okay then.”

“Okay. Bye I love you.”

“Love you too. Bye.”

We clicked lines and I set my phone on my couch. I started getting a little teary. All I wanted was to see Matt for one last time. I didn't want to keep thinking about it so I just went to bed.

It was a few hours later till I woke up to the sound of something banging. Thinking it was thunder I closed my eyes and tried to go back to bed. I heard it again realizing it was knocking. I rushed downstairs quickly to the front door. I unlocked it and opened it.

I open the door as the sound of the rain came open to my ears. Standing in front of me was the most beautiful person ever. Lovely skin tone and sandy colored hair. He was soaking wet and a huge smile came on his face. The most beautiful smile ever.

This person wasn't a stranger. Standing in front of me was my best friend, Matt.

I smiled so big I covered my mouth with my hands. Matt had his hands in his pockets and continued to smile at me. His hair was down from the rain and lord did he look so hot.

Matt opened his arms wide open. “Well. Am I going to hug my best friend or nah? ” he asked. I giggled as I pushed myself to him hugging his drenched body. We hugged for a hug minuet then finally I pulled him inside my warm house.

“Matt. What are you doing here? ” I asked. Matt looked down at me. “I needed to say goodbye to my best friend.” he said.


Those words stabbed my stomach as they repeated in my head.

I looked down and started crying a little bit. I tried wiping my tears away then Matt wrapped his hands around waist.

“Why are you crying? ” he asked. I snuffed up my nose. “I just don't wanna lose you Matt. The distance will ruin our friendship. And this is only goodbye. I can't go on without you.” I said.

Matt looked into my eyes. He should understand what I'm saying. I go through so much with school and my personal life. He is basically all I have left besides my family.

Matt was the only person when I had no one to turn to. He always gaved me advice and I can ways do and say stuff around him knowing he won't judge me.

Matt looked into my eyes and his lips shivered making it seem as if he had something to say but he just couldn't let it out.

“Matt. I never thought I'd say this but I love you. I don't mean it like a best friend love. I mean it as like more than that. I love you and everything about you. They way you calm me down. The way you run your fingers through your hair. The way you dance with your grooviness. Your weirdness, your eyes and everything, Matt. And I never want to lose you.”

Those words came out my mouth. I grabbed my hands covering my mouth realizing on what I just said. Matt stood there speechless and motionless.

I didn't know what else to do. “Goodbye Matt.” I said walking up the stairs leaving my best friend by my living room door.

My shirt was still wet from hugging him but I didn't want to changed. I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes tight and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning remember what happen last night. I got up knowing it was only me at home. I walked downstairs and saw someone laying on my couch.

It was Matt. His mouth was opened and he had his hands folded on the side of his head.

I walked over to the couch and shook Matt softly. “Matt.” I said whispering. Matt opened his eyes and rubbed them. He sat up.

“Sleep well? ” I asked. I put a smile on my face signaling to him that I don't hate him. He nodded his head.

His hair was down and I loved how he looked when it was down. “Umm. About the things you said last night. Did you mean it? ” he asked. I sat on my recliner.

“Of course.” I said. Matt bit his lip and nodded his head. “Would you believe me if I said I feel the same way too.” he said.

My stomach turned. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I didn't know what to say or to do. I just sat there looking at Matt.

He got up and walked towards me. He hovered me as his face came closer to mine. Our breaths mingled as I placed my hands on his jaw.

He closed his eyes as I did the same. His face came closer and I spoke. "Matt." He stopped and looked at me. "If this means ruining our friendship then I don't want that." I says. Matt didn't say anything.

Suddleny his lips crashed into mine and moved with me. His tongue was asking for an entrance into my mouth and I let him in. The kiss was so unbelieveable. He pulls away from you then kisses me one last time. "I've been wanting to do that for ages." He says softly.

"You don't know how long over been wanting this." I says. He pullz me up.

"Come to California with me." He says. "What?" I ask.

"Cali with me. We can have a life out there and you'll be with me on tour. " he says.

"Oh Matt I'd love to but my family is out here and I have school-"

"You can go to school out there, family lily take you to visit them anytime. I'll give you anything you want, babe." He says. I looked into his dreamy brown eyes. "Please." He says one more time.

This boy makes me happy and I couldn't live without him.

I smiled ever so big "Yes." I say. Matt flashes a huge smile.

Matt pulled me in for a tight hug and kissed me. "I love you so much y/n."

"And I love you too, Matt."

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