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The human is laying on their bed. They do not have the energy to get up and they never will.
The prince sits beside the human's bed, holding their hand.
" How about.." The human pauses. " We erase this pointless world ."
The prince couldn't speak.
" Become a god together."
" And just.. Destroy..Destroy.. Destroy." The human had weakly lifted their free hand to make a pounding motion on the bed.
" Until there's nothing left."
The prince stays silent. " Wouldn't that be amazing..?" They had said, smiling weakly up at the boy. Tears had started rolling down the human's cheeks
He didn't respond still.
The sick human continued to talk.
" There are so many awful.. Terrible things in this world."
" But that's not true." The prince had finally spoken.
The human blinked, relaxing themselves a bit.
" Sure, there are some bad things.."
The human had let go of his hand.
" But there are good things as well!"
They nod slightly.
" Maybe.." They muttered, staring up at the roof.
The prince smiled at the human.
" You're one of the few good things about this world."

The prince clutched the human's empty body. He stumbled almost every step.
The human was silent.
" I'm sorry, Chara." He mumbled to mostly himself.
They didn't reply.
" Everyone here is worth protecting." He said, looking up to the moon a final which had risen sometime when he was walking.
He closed his eyes for a moment before taking another step.
" At least we're together right?" He said, seeing the barrier up ahead.
" For forever." The human had spoken up.
" For forever." He said back.
He took a deep breath as he walked through the seal.
" I'm so tired Chara." He said, struggling to stay standing.
" I'm sorry Chara." He said, collapsing onto the grass of the throne room. He held the human tightly.

" You're safe now. Safe and sound.."

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