Ch1. Daddy Dearest

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I do not own twilight or any of the characters I am just a fan with an idea.



This story is about twilight it starts at breaking dawn when the Volturi have come  to kill to Renesmee.

Alexis POV.

I had heard rumours that the Volturi were headed to Forks, Washington to kill an immortal child. I was pretty close and wanted to see an immortal child so I went to check it out and maybe see my father on the way *evil laugh…. Mwah ha ha!* he will be so happy *note the sarcasm*.

I am currently sitting in a tree with a great view a of the snow coved flied were the Cullen’s, I found out there name will travailing they were pretty well known for being the biggest coven and what I found recently vegetarian.   

I could hear Anna in wolf form complaining that I wouldn’t let her come well I had to be a responsible aunt and keep her safe plus she could see it all though me but I’ll explain that later.

As soon as I took a look at the little girl on the back of a beautiful brown hair lady (I called her a lady even though I’m probably older but she is a vampire) I imminently new she wasn’t an immortal child I could tell by the blood in her flushed little cheeks and her slow but sure heat beat, she was on half vampire and half human if they couldn’t see that they were more stupid than I thought and god that’s dumb.

But what caught my interest were the sixteen shifters than appeared on the field, looks like they caught Caius eye to, I chuckled to myself in my mind remembering his encounter with a werewolf that I find quite hilarious.

I didn’t even bother listening to them talking I just waited for them to make up a reason to kill them but the Volturi where outnumbered and from one of my skills to tell a person special power that I pick up that the one who was holding the child now on a wolf that I found out was Bella her mother had the power to block people from her mind and others.

A girl called Alice came with 2 Wemen an a boy who look 17 I could suddenly hear another heart beat  and looked straight at the boy who just came, another half human, interesting.

After the Volturi had no reason to kill the child called Renesmee the guards retreated with the wives and all that was left were Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jane, Felix, Demetri, Alex and Renata. Aro was apologising to Carlisle. I decided to make my appearance, I hope down the tree and was at the edge clearing and still! No one noticed me…… until I stepped on a twig of all my luck.

All head snapped my way “not so quiet am I?” I said more as a statement than a question. As soon as Aro saw me he froze and I didn’t really want a mind attack so I jumped (it kinda like teleporting, another one of my many powers) in front of Bella and touched her face and jumped back before she could acted, when I touched her I copied her power that how I got all my powers .

As the Cullen’s side notice I was there the all hissed as the wolves growled “calm your farm gezz I didn’t do anything” I said with a sigh. “You guys didn’t even notice me there the whole time” I said looking hurt. “Like you could miss heart beat “I stated putting my hand over my heart as the all got a puzzled look from everyone because my heart beast really fast. I walk to Aro as he was standing arms length from Carlisle.“It’s seems your guards are a bit getting a bit slack, Aro?” I questioned, if looks could kill the one he was giving would kill a city.

“Now is that any way to look at your dau..”  “ALEXSANDRIA!” Aro yelled making everyone but Caius and Marcus flinch; I just couldn’t help myself I burst out laughing, call me sick but I love making him mad. By this time everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I walk up to Aro trying to holding my laughs *note the trying*and manage to say “don’t get you panties in a twist” as I ran my fingers across his face.

In less than a second he slapped me across the face and a loud bang rang across the field. Than slap should have knocked a vampire across the field but I wasn’t just a vampire I was only half but special and Aro new that because he is my father.

After he slapped me I swear I saw pain flash on his face because my skin his harder than a vampires, so when I was slapped I didn’t even move. “Oh poor Aro did that hurt your hand” I cooed and I skipped around him he grabbed my arm and I leaned in close to his ear so no one could hear “daddy dearest If you touch me again I mouth just might slip up” I said with a smirk on my face. He let go and looked pained and just stood there as I walked around to his guards planning to steal everyone of their powers. I ran my hand across Renata first as she just looked helpless and whispered master and look at Aro. Then Demetri and Alec who just stood there motionless, then came to Jane as she looked at me discussed and tried to force her way into my mental walls to cause me pain but failed as for I had Bella’s power I smiled as I slapped her across the face instead of just a touch.

She to a second to process what happened and then screech at the top of her lungs and lunged for me. I grabbed her by the throat and tossed across the field into a tree “careful princess you might break a nail” I called after her and turn back to Aro still standing in the same place. “I am done with your toys Aro you may leave” I sighed as I looked at him, he slowly moved past me with the Volturi and said a quick good bye “ I’ll see you later Aro hopefully in the next twenty years” I called after him as he disappeared  out view.

I couldn’t hold it anymore I just burst out laughing so much that I was leaning over with a hand on my knee and a hand over my stomach. Once in stopped laughing I looked up to see many eyes one me “oh I forgot you guy were here” I said a little surprised cause I did forget about them.

Carlisle stepped forward and asked what everyone was thinking “who are you? And what are you?” I  chuckled a little “ I’m Alexis and I’m half vampire” I said a matter of fact voice. “ but your  different from Renesmee” Bella pointed out, I walked close to Renesmee in Bella’s arms and said “ yes very  as different even though I would love to be as cute as her” I sighed poking Renesmee’s nose “ I said half vampire not half human” I finished.

“ Then what are you” Edward asked “ Hmmm my niece should be hear any second and your answer will be there” I said will calling Anna. 

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