Chapter 2: Another Girl

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John came home just in time for supper, and so did George and Ringo. Paul was too busy basting a turkey to even notice them come in. He was humming the tune of "Penny Lane". Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.... there beneath the blue suburban skies-

"Hi, Paulie." John said, peeling his coat off. "How've you been?"

Paul shot him a smile and a quick nod before giving the boys a once over. "I've been fine. How's work?"

"Oh, you should really meet Yoko. She's the most wonderful girl, and I'm sure you'll come to like her!"

Yeah, right. Paul took the turkey out of the oven and made for the dining table. He could no longer stand hearing the name "Yoko"; John was always going on and on about how great she was or how amazing she could be when it came to things like "avant-garde". 

"Yoko, Yoko, Yoko, she's all you ever talk about now!" Paul snapped. He slammed the plate of turkey onto the table, which frightened little Ringo. "Why can't you be more aware of what's going on in this family?"

John frowned. "What do you mean 'more aware'? I'm perfectly knowledgeable of whatever happens in our sons' lives. Your's too!"

Paul rolled his eyes and started slicing the turkey. "Rubbish! All you care about is little Miss Yoko Ono and her oh-so dazzling black eyes! Don't lie to me, mister, you can't even give me a straight answer whenever you-"

"Now wait just a minute!" John banged his hands on the table and rose up, his face contorted with rage. Then he sighed and closed his eyes. "Boys, why don't you go have your supper upstairs. Mum and I are... in the middle of something here."

George and Ringo glanced at each other, took their plates and scurried away. 

The couple waited till they heard the bedroom doors slam shut.

"You've been sleeping with her, haven't you?" Paul murmured, dropping a turkey leg onto John's plate. "Oh, don't lie to me, I know the rumours are all true."

"I'm not sleeping with her!" John yelled. "For Christ's sake, if you're just gonna throw these senseless accusations at me, if you can't even bring yourself to trust me, I might as well leave!"

"Alright then, go ahead!" Paul cried. "Do what you want, I don't give a damn!"

John took his coat and made for the door, then took one last look at Paul, who immediately hurled a plate at him. He moved aside just in time to see it smash to pieces on the wall. "What are you, mad!?" he exclaimed before slipping out into the darkness.

George and Ringo were all huddled up inside a tent. Poor Ringo was sobbing, while George tried the best he could to comfort him. "It'll be okay, trust me, Mum and Dad'll work it out. They always do."

"I hope so." Ringo whispered. 

Suddenly, they heard a sharp knock on the door. It swung open to reveal a very distressed Paul. He walked right in without any hesitation and lifted the flap of the tent. "Lads, will you come out of there? We need to talk."

George and Ringo quickly crawled out and sat side-by-side on the floor. Paul knelt in front of them. "You won't be seeing your father for a while." he said. "I'm afraid he's gotten tired of me and my constant nagging..."

"But he will come back, right?" Ringo asked.

Paul nodded. "Yes, eventually."

He turned to George, who kept silent the entire time. There was a horrid stench floating in the air. "Young man, have you been smoking cigarettes?"

- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 -Where stories live. Discover now