More Weird Cravings

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I woke up groaning and with a sore ass. I notice that I wasn't by the beach anymore like what I fell asleep to. Yibo must've carried me while I was asleep.

I tried getting up but my ass truly hurts. I can't believe Yibo has a lot of stamina in him. We literally went for 4 rounds as he wasn't satiated with just one and now I'm suffering the consequences of it.

'Morning Zhan.' I look at the door to see Yibo carrying a tray full of food. My mouth began to water as I smelled the food. But that didn't last long as o smelled something really awfull that it made my stomach churn.

I ran to the bathroom and began to throw up. Yibo who's now panicking was immediately by my side rubbing my back as I threw up whatever food that is left inside of me. After that I whimpered as I felt weak. Yibo carried me after washing my face and mouth.

The smell of food made me hungry but I still smell that horrible smell and now I know where it's coming from. Yibo was carrying and I could smell that awful smell on him.

'Y-Yibo can you please shower. You smell bad.' I whined and Yibo frowned at that.

'Zhan I just showered before preparing your breakfast.'

'But still you smell please shower again. If not I won't be able to digest my food. I would just keep throwing it all up.' I sighed in relief once I saw Yibo nod before going straight to the bathroom as I began to eat the mouth watering food in front of me.

I stuff my face with waffles and pancakes along with bacons. It was so good but I didn't finish all since Yibo actually brought three plates meaning we share the food with each other.

Yibo came out if the bathroom with only a towel wrap around his waist. He walk towards me and grab my hand that has the fork and ate a piece of bacon. I blush hard as he didn't remove his eyes from me.

After that wonderful breakfast we decided to go on the beach and swim. I was now happily walking towards the shore wearing only my swimming trunks when I suddenly had the urge to eat Chocolate ice cream with fries and some bananas.

I look at Yibo before making myself look cute and irresistible.

'Yibo~ I want Chocolate ice cream with fries and bananas.' I happily said as I made puppy eyes which I know no one can resist even the once cold hearted Yibo won't resist this.

'Ohhh~ I also want mangoes with vinegar and I want to eat more spicy foods.' I said as I pout for more effect and it work as Yibo began to make a call to who knows who.

I silently ate the food Yibo made and waited for the things that I craved for. Soon Yibo walk in the room carrying a huge tub of chocolate ice cream a bag full of mangoes and a lot of fries on a bowl along with the container of vinegar.

I jump up and down before giving Yibo a kiss right on his lips. I took the foods in his hands as I saw another guy walk in carrying a two medium size boxes. I began to eat the mangoes that have already been peeled dipping it on either the ice cream or the vinegar.

The man from before came in again now carrying a basket full of mangoes and two tubs of chocolate ice cream along with two uncool packets of fries. My eyes twinkle at the sight. I could already feel saliva dripping from my mouth.

The whole day was consist of Yibo and I watching different kinds of movies and I eating my mangoes dip in vinegar with chocolate ice cream and fries. It was delicious and I even urge Yibo to try it but he kept declining saying that he is still full.

How full is he. I mean it's pass lunch time and we still have my eaten lunch yet. Right now Yibo is preparing an Italian dish for me. I happily watch him cook since I find him hot and sexy while doing so. Especially if he is topless.

It was a sight and I actually took a lot of pictures of him but he doesn't mind at all, he even did a few cute and manly pose for me. I even made one my wallpaper while the lock screen wallpaper was a picture of the two of us together.

I giggled softly as I watch him flip an omelet which nearly fell off the pan. Besides the Italian dish Yibo is also making some other dishes. My stomach is already grumbling at the delicious smell of food.

'Is it done yet?' I asked.

'Not yet Zhan.' I pout and waited for five minutes.

'Ok is it done now?'


After another five minutes.

'Is it done yet?' Yibo chuckled a little before answering.


'Come on I'm already hungry. Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo are already eating while I'm still waiting.' I made sure to look cute with my puppy eyes when Yibo glance at me.

'It's already finish just wait for a bit longer for me to prepare it.' I nodded as Yibo came to me and kiss my forehead. I smiled before pulling his neck towards me and devouring his lips that tasted sweet because of the sauce he made.

I moaned when Yibo kiss me back fiercely making me grip his hair tightly. We both parted gasping for air. Yibo gave me one last peck before going back to his cooking.

I'm sure my face is now bright red. We just had a very intense kiss and I am so loving it.

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