My Dark Past 2

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'At first I was just instructed to do a sexy dance infront of the people but soon a lot of men paid for me. We would go to a room and there they would strip me, tie me, gag me then make me do a blowjob for them or jerk of myself and they would jerk off watching me. They never tried to violate me which was actually a good thing and I'm grateful for that. I spend 2 years in that gay bar until one day a man paid for me. We went into a room and there he explained to me that he was a police in disguise. He help me from my shackles and helped me escape. After that he took me to his home where he and his wife took care of me after a year they decided to adopt me since his wife couldn't conceive.' I continued my dark story.

I was sobbing as Yibo comforted me by caressing my thigh. After collecting myself again I continued.

'I became there son and I had a pretty good life until my parents found out about it and asked for me back. Dad didn't allow it and threatened them. After that they didn't come back again. I was 24 when it happned. Dad was on patrol when someone shot him, he was rush to the hospital but after a few attempts to save his life they ended up giving him a few minutes. Which is not enough for me and mom to say goodbye. That time I knew who did it, it was my parents since they threatened him that something bad will happen if he does not return me to them. After that I made sure mom was safe before leaving to find work.'

'Hey you can take a break if you are feeling overwhelmed hun.' Yibo said as he took my hand in his. It fits oerfectly with his. I smiled even though my cheeks are full of tears.

'Don't worry I'm actually feeling more better now that I'm letting all of this out. Just be there and give me comfort as I tell you my dark past.' Yibo modded and I took a huge intake of air before continuing.

'After that I found a decent job at a cafe. I was a waiter there and that was the time I met ZhuoCheng who's the son of the owner and we instantly became friends. His Dad helped me a lot and even let me rent on of there extra rooms. But ZhuoCheng's dad also didn't live long since he has a heart disease. After his death ZhuoCheng managed the cafe but soon it shut down. The two of us look for another job and helped each other to survive. We live a tough life especially since not many jobs are available for us. After looking for a job for a month we finally found one that pays a high amount. That time we were pros and favored by the boss so we have raised a lot of money. The night you and I met was actually a night for ZhuoCheng and I to celebrate for our great work. Even thought our first meeting is bad I'm still glad I met you. If not where would I be right now?'

I smiled before kissing Yibo's cheeks. I look around and the houses started to be familiar soon I saw our house. Yibo soed up then stop infront of our house.

I immediately got out and ran to the door. With a light knock I waited for mom to open the door. As the door opened I was engulf in a bone crushing hug. Good thing mom's hands aren't placed on my stomach or else my baby would be in trouble.

'Oh how I miss my baby Zhan.' Mom cried out before pamperong my face with lots and lots of kisses.

'I miss you too mom but please can we go inside first?'

'Alright. Oh you have a friend with you come in and make yourself feel at home.' Mom pulled both of us inside before she headed towards the kitchen.

'Your mom's pretty nice hun.' Yibo said as he took a sit. I sit down beside him and took his hand in mine.

'Yep she's pretty great and I'm glad she became my mom.'

'Alright boys have some snacks and some refreshments. So what brings my baby here?' Mom asked as she took a sit infront of us.

'Mom I miss you and I have a great news for you.'

'Oh what is it?' Mom asked.

'Mom this is Yibo and he's my fiancee. I'm also pregnant and I already have twins.' I took a hold of Yibo's hand as I told this to mom.

Mom didn't say anything but then she suddeny laughed hard.

'I'm glad my baby found someone to love and take care of him. So when can I meet my grand kids and sorry for the hug earlier. I didn't hurt the baby did I?' Mom asked worriedly.

I'm glad she accepts Yibo and I's relationship. Now I can't wait to let her see the twins.

'Don't worry mom the baby's fine. And you can meet the twins tomorrow. I'm also here because of my past. I think it's my parents are the one behind the photos that are now viral on the internet.' I explained.

'Oh dear. When will those devils stop from coming after you?'

'So I'm here to ask you if you would like to come live with us for a while just for safety measures mom. The house will be protected by Yibo's men so you don't have to worry about it.'

I waited for mom's response and I smiled at what she said.

'Okay as long as I can spend a lot of time with my grand kids then I'm in.' With that I hug mom. We stayed for lunch after that talk and then we helped mom pack some of her things.

After an hour we are on our way back to the mansion.

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