Finally Over

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Finally it's all over. I finally got my revenge and met my true family. Today Yibo promised to take me to my real parents. Xiao  Zhi and Xiao Bai are my true parents. This is also the reason why my surname isn't related to those fakes.

About the deal I made with Yibo which is me getting to be top didn't really work out since I love being bottom so I took it back. I'm been very moody lately since it's been two and a half months now.

I've been craving weird foods again sometimes I would asked for a rainbow banana if not I want mangoes dip in vinegar and chocolate. My bump is noticeable already.

The twins are already beginning to walk and can say mama and papa very clearly now.

'Zhan are you ready?' I look at Yibo through the mirror as I'm brushing my long hair.

'Yes just finishing this up. Are the twins ready too?'

'Yup. We are waiting for you. Mom and dad as well as your mom are already waiting in the car with the twins.' I nodded before walking out of the bathroom.

After grabbing my bag we went out of our room. The otherd are all waiting for us as they wouldn't allow us to leave without them. So a lot of cars are being used.

I even got to ride my own car now. Good thing I manage to convince Yibo.

'Finally the love birds are here.' Yixuan teased as we stood infront of them. The others laugh before getting in there own cars.

I quickly got inside mine and Yibo followed me as he didn't want to leave my side. It's been gping on for a week now as Yibo would always stick to me anywy he can. Even if it's in the bathroom he woulf always join me. It's sweet but annoying sometimes.

'Ready to go hun?' I asked Yibo to make sure he's all buckled up. Yibo squeezed my thigh as the car roared to life.

I smiled at him before speeding out of the gate. The others followed closely behind. As we pass by the city all heads turned to watch us. I mean who wouldn't when you are seeing lots of expensive cars driving by.

We drove for about 1 hour before reaching the small town where my real parents are having their vacation. I recently found out that I had a younger brother and I can't wait to meet him.

We stopped infront of a huge house near the forest. The place looks like a mansion too but the space is a little smaller. The huge gate began to open as one guard recognizes Yibo.

They probably thought that we're here for business matters. After getting out of the car a butler with a few maids greeted us. We were escorted to the backyard where I saw my parents happily talking.

I then saw a boy running around with a dog. That must be my little brother.

'The guest have arrived.' The butler announces as my parents turned towards us. They both stood up and quickly greeted Yibo.

'Hello Mr. Wang Yibo, what brings you here to our humble home?' My dad gentle asked as he kept looking at me.

'Hello as well Mr. Xiao. I'm here to let you meet the person you lost a long time ago.'

I can see confusion in them both until recognition is clearly seen on their faces.

'It can't be! We were told that he was found dead.' My mom said as she began to tremble, tears threatening to fall.

'Well they gave you wrong info. The child that was found dead that night wasn't your missing son but another child from another family. Your son is still alive and he's standing infront of you.' Yibo said and both of them turned to me.

I smiled hesitantly and was shock when mom hugged me tight. She began sobbing as dad followed soon. I then began crying myself.

I miss my real parents so much even though I don't have much memory with them. I'm still glad to meet my real parents. We cried for a while while the others are escorted inside the house.

I then felt a tug on my right leg. Looking down I saw a cute boy looking at me. He then smiled before yelling at me.

'Yayy big brother's finally home.' He made grabby hands at me and I carried him while laughing softly.

'This is you little brother Xiao Yuan. Xiao Yuan this is your big brother Xiao Zhan.' Mom introduced us both to each other and I can't help but cry some more.

Even though those fake parents of mine stole me from my real parents they never changed my real name. They kept the name that was given to me by my real parents and I'm thankful for that.

At least I steal have a part of my parents with me. We all then headed inside to join the others. Yibo quickly came to me and gave my forehead a quick kiss.

I was savoring the warmth of Yibo's touch when I heard someone clear their throat. I look at my side and saw my dad looking at us.

'Oh... Um dad...this is Yibo, he's my fiancee and we already have two kids and another one on the way.' I carefully said watching his reactions.

After a minute of silence dad suddenly began laughing. Mom followed soom which got me really confused.

'Finally we are now grandparents. Now show me those little kiddos of yours.' I smield before fetching the twins from Yibo's parents. I handed both to mom and dad as Yibo's parents imtroduced themselves.

'It's nice to see you again Xiao Bai.' Mrs. Wang gently said. Mom look at her in confusion.

'Oh my Wang Yuer is that you?'

'Yes it's me my dear old friend. How have you been?' Mrs. Wang said while smiling. They began to talk to each other while I talk to my little brother.

I'm really happy that he accepts me. He even loves to tell stories and he likes to play with the twins. I'm sure he and little Pei will get along very well.

I was shock that they both knew each other. And I guess the others are as well. But still I'm happy cause that means that they will be getting along well with each other.

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