Chapter 12 A Performance of Realisation!

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Leah's P.O.V

I dragged everyone in the contest hall with Lillie and Tim's help, we wanted to perform in Pokémon Contests so might as well give it a spin!  So here we are, little bro dressed up like a rockstar, Lillie in some cute frilly blue dress, and I in some sparkly icy blue dress, it looked like Elsa's in Frozen.  I hate dresses, I just dislike the feel of it, but that one is my favorite dress.  

We were in some sort of waiting room, Tim was grooming Minerva, Lillie was reassuring Snowy, and I was grooming Eclipse and reminding Eclipse the routine.  "Don't forget, it's Mystical Fire, Will-O-Wisp and Fire Blast. Don't forget to be creative, alright?" I told my partner. Eclipse nodded. "Tales!" She exclaimed.  "Good." I said and stroked Eclipse's back. Then Tim was called on stage. "Well Minerva, let's do this!" He told his partner. "Kin!" Minerva exclaimed with determination and they both left afterwards.  I watched Minerva perform, that's going to be hard to beat. Tim started with a Flamethrower and then a Psychic attack to make it more unique and creative and then finished off with scratch on the Flamethrower and Psychic combo which made sparkles rain.  I was having a conversation with a girl named Anna while her female Pyroar was conversing with Eclipse until she was called on stage when my brother walked out.  

Anna finished her performance and then it was my turn, I walked on stage with Eclipse and gave my partner a reassuring smile.  "Now Eclipse, let's kick this off with Mystical Fire!" I exclaimed cheerfully. "Ninetales!" Eclipse howled as she used Mystical Fire followed with a Will-O-Wisp, that I just asked mere seconds ago.  "Go creative girl, I'll tell you when you should use your final move." I told Eclipse. Eclipse decided to use Will-O-Wisp and play a little bit with it and jumping over the it and running around it, when the Mystical Fire and Will-O-Wisp combo faded, making sparkles of fire in the stage, I gave Eclipse the signal to use Fire Blast and she did so, finishing our performance.  Eclipse and I walked out of the stage and watched Lillie and the next performers after perform, in the end, it was Lillie vs Anna and Tim vs Me. 

 And it was my brother and I that had to battle first, since I wanted to give Celestia a chance, I sent out the small unicorn like Pokémon.  "Nice, a Galarian Ponyta!" Tim commented. "But allow me to introduce you to my new partner, Worriz, show 'em your crimson glare!" Tim told me and that last part was said to a Pokéball containing Worriz.  "Isn't that what Gladion says when he's about to send Lycanroc in battle?" I thought.  Then a red and white werewolf like Pokémon appeared from Tim's Pokéball.  "Oh a Midnight Form Lycanroc, now we're talking about game!" I told him. "Begin this with Double-Edge!" I told Celestia.  "Use Counter!" Tim told Worriz. Worriz stopped Celestia in her tracks lowering my points, but I have a trick up my sleeves.  "Celestia jump and use Psybeam!" I told my partner. "Ponyta!" Celestia neighed and summoned a beam of psychic power, it got Tim of guard and Lycanroc just got itself confused, the Psybeam itself lowered some of Tim's points.  "Quick, while it's confused, use Double Kick!" I told Celestia. Celestia who had just landed gracefully from being in mid air from the previous attack ran up to Worriz and kicked it twice with her hind legs. Lowering Tim's points drastically.  Tim was impressed with my quick thinking, the look on his face said so. "Worriz use Rock Throw!" He told his Lycanroc. "Celestia send it back with Psychic!" I told my Ponyta. "Ponyta!" Ponyta snorted and sent back rock throw with Psychic, hitting Worriz in the process lowering more points for Leah's younger brother and the five minutes limit was up and Leah emerged victorious.  

Shortly after Lillie won her battle against Anna, I was called back on stage, I sent out Krystal and Lillie sent out Pixie.  "I bid you a good game, Lilz." I told Lillie. "Than you, Leah and Good Game to you too." Lillie told me. "Alright Krystal, use Ice Beam, but aim towards the ground." I told my ice type partner.  "Ceon!" Krystal exclaimed. "Alright, now use it as if to skate and then use Ice Shards!" I told Krystal, she did so, but then Lillie went geek mode. "Pixie use you feelers to trip Krystal in her tracks!" Lille exclaimed.  "Jump over Pixie's feelers!" I told Krystal. Krystal did so, but then Pixie caught Krystal in mid air. "Use Ice Beam!" I told Krystal, The Fresh Snow Pokémon used Ice Beam dealing damage on the Interwinning Pokémon which got it to lose its grip on Krystal.  Lillie's points lowered. "Krystal use Swift!" I told Krystal. "Use Protect!" Lillie exclaimed. "Veon!" Pixie howled and used protect, lowering my points. "Now, Krystal, use Ice Shards again!" I told Krystal. Krystal howled and sent shunks of Snow towards Pixie dealing damage and lowering Lillie's points.  When the time was up, I emerged victorious.  

I gave Krystal a pat and withdrew her in her Pokéball.  I was awarded the Silver Town ribbon. I was blue and gold eh it fits in my colors, I glanced at it for the second time and frowned slightly, If I hadn't won, Lillie or Tim would've, and I don't like crowds either, something about that performance tells me this isn't what I'm meant to be.  I glanced again at the ribbon, its polished gold showing my reflection, I know now that I'm not meant to be a performer nor a coordinator, but what am I meant to be then if this isn't it?  

Now outside of the Contest Hall, I was embraced in Gladion's hug, despite my incomfort, I hugged him back, I whimpered silently, "If being a coordinator isn't what I'm meant to be, than what am I supposed to be?" I whimpered.  Gladion ruffled my hair. "You'll figure it out, you're smart, clever, and creative, I know you'll find something out." Gladion reassured me. Megan spoke up after we broke our hug. "Well that's where I leave you, good bye for now, and Leah don't forget that battle we're going to have!" Megan said.  "See ya, Meg!" I told her as I watched her figure fade in the distance. "I'll return to Demorah's lab, there are things I have left unfinished." Mat stated. "Ok then, Bye!" Kathy told Mat. Mat smiled and waved everyone goodbye and left in the direction of Demorah's lab.  

Now that Mat and Megan went their own path, what do we do now? "So what now?" Ash asked.  "I dunno." I told him. "Well Gladion isn't done with his gym battles, how about we do that?" Lillie suggested.  "Sounds like a plan." I said. Iryka looked at her map, "Viridian City isn't far and the next gym is there." My sister explained.  "Then that's where we're going in the morning." Tim stated. "I hope there's a library there." I added. "It's a city, there's bound to have one." Dad told me.  "To Vermillion City!" I exclaimed as I pointed in a random direction. "Actually, it's that way." Iryka told me, pointing in the opposite direction. We decided to stay at the Pokémon Center for the evening.  Stay tuned as my journey continues!

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