Chapter 1

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~~~~Mary Jane Stacy~~~~

"PETE WATCH OU-"I yell watching as Flash's basketball bounce off Peter's back with a thump. 

"Sorry" I hear Flash and his goons snicker as I glare at them. 

"Morning, Flash" sighs Peter, annoyed with a rolls of his eyes. 

Peter Parker. 

The only person in this entire universe that could make rolling his eyes look absolutely endearing. Also known as my best friend and the only person that could make me do just about anything for him with a single glance and a crooked smile.  We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Him being a bit of a loner and me being extremely sociable, does however, make us the most unlikely of pairs. But that's never stopped us from being completely inseparable or from me being utterly in love with him. 

"Good morning Parker." I hear Flash laugh when Peter jumps back bumping into me almost knocking me over. He catches my arm, steadying me as I shuffle my books, ensuring that they don't fall.

"One day imma deck that kid." I glare at the back of Flashes head as he walks away laughing loudly. 

"That is something I would pay to see," Peter laughs amused at my antics and picks up his skateboard as we walk down the hall. 

I glare at him, annoyed that he's so happy this early in the morning  and shake my head. "Anyway, tomorrow I won't be able to come over for the assignment. I have to lead this group of interns which will hopefully-"

"Hey. It's Peter right?" I'm cut off by a girl, Melissa. I sigh with a roll of my eyes, rude much? Peter glances at me amused once again and turns to Melissa nodding.  "I really liked your photos," she compliments him while completely disregarding my presence. 

"Oh, thanks." Peter replies shooting me a quick surprised glace  and looks back at her with a small smile. "Thanks."

"Listen, are you busy Friday night?" She asks with a smile on her face shuffling closer to Peter. He moves back slightly and bumps into me shifting on his feet, uncomfortable with her forwardness, not use to people randomly speaking to him, let alone pretty girls and shake's his head no. 

"Cool. Can you take pictures of my boyfriends car? You know, I really wanna frame a good one for his birthday." She asks, done with the subtle flirting, sure that she's about to get what she wants. 

I stare at her shocked. Seriously?  I step forward about to tell her off when I feel Peter grabbing my hand softly, stopping me from doing anything. I look at him annoyed and sigh, rolling my eyes. 

"That's really nice of you. Wow, that's such a nice thought." Peter says quickly as kindly as he can.

"Actually Pete, we have that thing this Friday remember?" I jump in. 

"Yep, we do. Sorry Mellissa we have a thing on Friday." He nods, throwing an arm around my shoulders, pulling us away and half waving at her. "You're my hero, you know that?" He smiles at me gratefully, "Though that temper of yours is going to get us into trouble one day." He musses up my hair.

 I glare at him dramatically, fixing my hair and throwing an arm around his waist, "Please, you love my temper."  

"Unfortunately," he mumbles adorably. 

I was about to reply when I'm interrupted by our science teacher Mrs. Wellington claiming that she needs to speak to me for a minute.  I untangle myself from Peter and wave at him distractedly walking towards her.

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