Chapter 14

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Dante POV

Once Vergil and Y/N disappeared in the portal, anger rose inside me. Vergil, my brother, chasing only power, not caring if he hurts the people around him.

Hell, Nero tried to connect with his father but all he got was Vergil pushing him away but worse, Vergil doesn't bother to make up for the times he has missed with Nero but it just gets worse Vergil knows Nero is his son.

Speaking of Nero, where is he?

At that moment the door opens, Nero's shadow stretches all the way to my feet as he stood with a confused expression lingering his face.

"The hell I miss?" He asked, taking a few steps to me.

His silent footsteps hardly heard but his boots made a bit more noise with each step.

"A party? But here ain't no music. Planning a retirement party old man, bingo with the grandmas" Sarcasm linked with his voice as a small smirk slowly makes his way to his face.

Cocky basturd.

"Why are you so quiet? Usually you'd have a comeback" Concerned washed over his face, eyes scanning the area.

He noticed how quiet it really was, Y/N's angelical voice no where to be heard and her tiny figure no where to be seen.

After moments of silence, I finally spoke.

"Vergil took her"

"What?!" Nero exclaimed, all concern had now vanished and anger took over.

I don't blame him, Vergil is stupid enough to pull off shit like this even though he knows he'd never sucessed.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"I don't know where but I have an idea of where they could be" I respond, turning my back to Nero.

I placed my hands on the dark oak desk that are filled with pizza boxes, paper and the missing play boy magazines. My eyes wondered around my desk, pondering.

"Could he have taken her to?" Nero asked, nervousness lingering to his voice.

"Yes, he could have" I respond, looking over my shoulder.

"God damn his soul if he harmed her"

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