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Maya POV

"Maya Ion want you to get caught up with faith" Melly said
"What you mean" I asked
"She seem ratchet and hood. Ion want you to be associating with people like that." He said
"Boy bye" I said

"Alright now you think I'm playing" he said laughing a little
"We got to leave in about 20 minutes because I got a hair appointment for 3:30" I said
"Drive yo self" he said
"Nigga why u got a attitude" I asked

"Because youn ever wanna listen to shit I gotta say" he yelled
"First of all Jamell watch yo tone of voice when you speaking to me... now explain to me how you feel" I said calmly
"It's just whenever Melvin come out you don't ever wanna listen to him and he don't like that, he likes to be in control and right now you not showing him his respect" he said


"Jamell, why doesn't Melvin want me to be friends with faith" I asked
"Because you're not ghetto and loud and ratchet that's not you and ion think that you should associate with people like that" Melvin said

"Okay, but can we just see where this friendship goes" I asked
"Do you maya, I'm done" he said while yelling
"Jamell where you going" he ain't answer all I heard was the door slam and his green Maserati start up

I texted him, But texting him just made me even more mad, so I called him and he didn't answer then I called him 15 more time and there was no answer so I went to his Instagram and this nigga got the fucking nerve to block me but y'know what he gotta Facebook "I'm coming"

I heard Melvin scream, laughing right after btw while I was trying to get ahold of him I was watching his genius interview when I got a call it was Jamell
"Hello! Where are you? Are you okay?" I said into the phone

"Yea I'm good I'm at the studio with Sak and juvy" he said
"Okay" I said
"I'll be home around 3" he said
"Baby we got school in the morning" I said
After that I just hung up the phone and started crying
"Man get the fuck up and stop crying what the fuck is wrong with you, you should not be crying over this nigga" I said to myself In the mirror
I started watching some Netflix and fell asleep I was awoken by hearing the alarm go off so i got out of bed and I see Jamell had pulled into the driveway

"hey u okay" I asked
"Yea I'm bool" he said
I could tell that he was drunk so I helped him out of his car and walked him into the house I sat him on the couch and poured him a glass of water "drink" I said to him "no mane" he said so I lifted his chin up and poured the water in his mouth "swallow" I said

"Mnmn" he said shaking his head and crossing his arms "come on Jamell you're acting like a 2 year old" I said to him
"But I'm your 2 year old" he said slurring his words "I'm bout to go lay down you coming" I asked

"Yea" he said. I went to the couch to help him up the stairs "I got it man I got it" he said "well I'm just trying to help you" I said
"I'm not a damn alcoholic maya I got this" he said tensely "stop being so fucking sensitive, ain't nobody call you a damn alcoholic. Now if you wanna go up these stairs and bust yo ass then go right ahead" I said to him and he just looked at me

"You gonna let me help you Jamell" I asked
He nodded his head yes
I walked him up the stairs and layed him across the bed like a baby then I got him some boxers and I took his clothes off and put on his boxers and put him under the cover.
I was about to go roll up because dealing with Jamell is stressful as I was lighting the blunt I hear a knock at the door and it's faith "heyyy" she said

"Hey girl what you doing" I asked
"Girl nothing I just thought that I'll come and check up on you to see if you was okay" she said
"Yea I'm good why u come at 4 in the morning" I asked
"You ain't see the video" she asked

"What video" I asked looking worried
She showed me the video
"The police should be here any minute" she said and I just started crying
On that video it was Melvin, and I keep telling him that he haves to control Melvin

"Could you give me and him a moment please" I asked faith while crying "yea call me if you need anything" she said
"Mkay" I said while locking the door

"Bae wake up" I said to him
"What" he said
"Let's fuck" I said
"Why" he asked sounding irritated
"Let's fuck before you leave" I said crying. He sat up "you saw the video" he asked
"Yea how could you do this to me Jamell why would you" I asked crying   "It don't even matter let's just fuck before they get here" I said

"Baby I'm sorry" he said
"Do you forgive me" he asked
"I don't know if I can Jamell" I said
"I said sorry what else do you want me to do" he asked
"Let me show you something" I said

He followed me to the kitchen "you see this plate"I asked before I threw it on the ground causing it to break "now say sorry to the plate" I said "I'm sorry" he said "is it fixed" I asked he shook his head no and started to cry "I love you baby" he said to me " let's go to sleep" I said

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