Chapter 16

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I woke up extra early the next morning. My external clock just had me springing awake and I didn't argue. I slept pretty good the night before and had a lot of energy. I used this time to run my film over to my red room. I'm excited because I got a chance to catch Zayn yesterday. He looked beyond beautiful with that Harley.

His bike was gorgeous. I have one my dad left me ages ago but I'll have to repair it. That was the deal, and I'm a major procrastinator. What made my dad think that I even knew how to repair a damn motorcycle threw me far because I really don't. I was meaning to read about it, but went against it. Figured I'd just bring it into a shop like normal people but he won't let me. Says that this is a learning experience to work for what I want. Damn you dad and your life lessons.

I worked on developing my photos and smiled when I saw him. He looked so serious. Even his serious face is gorgeous. He was the perfect blend of ebonies, maroons, and silver. I liked all those things and he made it such a warm and fire like atmosphere. His stare made you tingly inside. Anybody would fall weak to his gaze. Men and woman a like.

He was something. I hung up the remaining shots. I only had about three before Niall pushed my camera away. Jerk.

I leave my red room and head down stairs to the kitchen to start some coffee. It was quiet this morning. Mother wasn't out, and father was no where to be found. As usual. But this time it all seemed...different. Where is everyone?

"Mom? Mother!?" I began to walk around the house in search of my parents. My father sometimes worked from home, my mom would leave around the same time I would. I don't know what's going on but usually mother would be right in here making coffee not me. It's only 6:30 am.

The house is massive and very spacious. State of The art everything and I felt like I was in a futuristic drama flick because of it. The props of having a father as an architect does that to you.

I walked into the living area it was dark, and empty. So I decided to make my way to the kitchen. There was a note of the fridge.

"I'll be out. I had to run back to work late. I'll go to work from here. I went home and grabbed a few things and left. There's money in the usual spot.

Love you, mom."

That's weird, since when did she work late? I guess being an attorney was a busy and boring job. I shrugged it off but I honestly still felt weird like something was up with her, or with today. Maybe it's this creepy huge empty house. Its so lonely here.

I finish my breakfast and started getting ready for the day. I grab my things, locked up and headed out. I left my camera today but I always have a back up in the paper room.

On the short ride to school I thought about how this day was going to start and end. I thought about Zayn and what he probably might be wearing. I also wondered what must be on his mind right now. I can't imagine his pain. I got to the building and it was less rowdy then usual. I knew something might be off today but this is weird. So weird.

I lock up and on my way into the building I saw no sign of Niall anywhere or Zayn or his bike. I'm not too early, I'm not even late. Why today has to be the day when no one is where they're suppose to be? I entered the building the noise increased and that's when I saw him.

Now I usual don't get bullied. I'm a very loved person but this guy glared at me and I felt his stare. It was so uncomfortable. He was hovering over Louis in mid punch. No one helped. Everyone just stared and some even had their damn phones out. I squeezed my fist tight. I started to run towards the culprit.

"The fuck is going on here?", I pushed him away from Louis and kneeled down to him. The boy standing before us had flaming red hair. The jeans he wore clung tight to his body. He had on an vintage tee that look tattered and worn out.

"Who the fuck are you? I don't have to answer to you! This is between me and my faggot ass brother.", Louis flinched at his words. His eyes were staring off into the distance. I pulled him up and against me. I walked away slowly, my back facing away from the red haired boy, shielding Louis away from him.

"So you felt it was okay to come up to our school, and show him off like this? To beat on him ? Because he found love that didn't suit your measure? Just get out! I don't know you and definitely don't want to know you!" I shout, trying to guard Louis's fragile body. How long has this been going on? The abuse? He started to walk towards me but I kept my guard up.

"Listen here you pansies. This right here, " he gestures pointing between him and Louis. "Is between us and that's that. You're unnecessary. Unless you want to get your ass whooped too you better back away, just leave like everyone else. This has nothing to do with you!" Our faces were only inches away and he looked fiercer. That's when I heard a small voice, so small I had to struggle to hear it.

"Its okay Liam. Michael's right. Its a family matter you should go..", his voice was so small. He was ready to give in but I wasn't.

"No! You're my friend and I'm not going to let this dick head bother you any further. You deserve better than this Louis. You deserve to love who ever you want. And 'Michael' has to deal with that." Michael clinched his jaw. I could see the muscles move under his skin.

Before I could really defend myself that's when his fist came in contact with my face. I gave him a good blow back. We were brawling for what felt like forever and that's when I felt someone pull us apart. But that didn't stop there. Niall was now ramming his face in. Louis was screaming for Niall to stop but he too stopped screaming.

Niall finally stopped, his fist bloody, his chest heaving. Michael's body laid out limp on the floor. Teachers finally gathered out in shock at the scene. Took them long enough. Why wasn't No one where they were suppose to be? I wrapped my arms around Louis and held him. He started to cry and looked away as the teachers helped Michael sit up.

He definitely got a beating. Niall made his way over to me. Breathing heavily. He rushed over to where I stood, and looked at Louis then back at me. "He's..he'll be alright.", I tell him. Even though I honestly don't know if he ever will. I only ended up a little sore and a bloody nose.

"Are you alright though? Why we're you guys fighting?" Niall eyes squint at the boy lying down on the floor. The school manage to get security to escort him off school grounds. Niall looks over back at me and Louis. He looks angry but I could sense a bit of worry in his eyes.

"I'm alright. That guy is Louis's brother. He was hitting him and I couldn't just watch".

"You need to be careful who's business you wind up in. I can't always save you."

"I'm not asking you to Niall! He's my friend and so are you. If that's a problem maybe you should go." Niall just looks at me, fist clinched together. What the hell is his problem. Why was he upset with me? None of this made sense.

"I'll see you later Niall. I'll be with Louis for a while anyways. You have my number." I began to walk away. I don't know if he said anything or if he even tried to.

Louis stayed quiet.

Still in shock I suppose. Before we could make it to the newspaper room, we were stopped by the student counselor. She was an older woman that dressed issues like this. She wanted to talk to Louis about what happened. He looked at me then back at her. Louis and I were always close since I came to this school. I'm not surprised he looked over at me for validation. I gave him a nod and a soft smile. He returned it and then left to go to her office.

I knew this day was off. Something about it screamed out to me to be careful. My jaw was still sore, my head rung. I just hope that soon my day would brighten up.

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