Chapter 6

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Zayn looks annoyed and eyes me up and down. I feel his stare. It's like a warm blaze. I swallow hard. It feels like the saliva just won't go down. I feel so nervous like I did something wrong. "I-I'm sorry about earlier. And now, more so earlier. Didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." I say as I maneuver my way around him, out of his way.

He just rolled his eyes and walked down the hall with his bag swung over his shoulder. I swear that guy is a mystery. But losing a mom must did a lot of damage. I can't imagine. Definitely don't want to. I run on over to homeroom and find Niall in our old spot in the back of the classroom. I sit down next to him and let out a long breath before speaking.

"Saw him again."

"Oh yeah...anything happened?"

"He totally doesn't like me Niall."

"He likes no one. Don't take it personally. I can't even talk to him."

"Wait, why would you?" I'm confused. Why would he? From my understanding they don't know each other.

"I mean, it's nothing never mind."

"I thought you didn't know the guy."

"I don't it's nothing. Would you just drop it?"

"Alright. If you say so.." I left it alone.

For now.

I take my camera from around my neck and sit it on the window sill. One of the reasons why I like the back of the classroom. I tend to slouch in my chair when I'm extremely bored. And at the moment, thus class couldn't get any slower. Twenty minutes within the class the room door flies open and comes barging in, no one other than mystery itself; Zayn Malik.

"Its so nice of you to finally join us. Are you one of mine-", the professor stops mid way to grab his roster.

"I got lost", Zayn says rather fasts. His eyes scan the room and our eyes meet. I don't look away instead I smile softly. He looks rather annoyed and rolls his eyes. That is becoming one of his trademark there.

"Your name please?" The professor says as he looks down studying his roster.

"Zayn, Zayn Malik." There's some Oo's and Aah's from around the room and our eyes are still in contact. He doesn't look too mad. It's hard to read him.

"Alright then. Zayn you may occupy any seat that's available right now. Try to make it to my class on time in the future. I'm sure you will find your way around here if anything maybe a student here can help you. Don't be late to my class. Where were we? Oh yes-", as our professor continues on with his boring assessment Zayn makes his way over to the back where we are but on the other side of the room.

Ten minutes feel like an awful long time to just be sitting here, ignoring that glare of his. I can feel it. I can taste it. Why is he staring so hard and why in my direction. I'm probably just being paranoid. I need to relax. But I can't knowing that Zayn is in the same room less than ten feet away.

He just so happens to sit in a seat far across from me, exactly across from me. I sit up straighter then what I intended. I don't know why I feel the need to fix my posture. It's partially because I can feel his stare on me. Like a warm beam. Or maybe he's looking at Niall. Probably both of us? Do I sound like a lunatic here, like a vain lunatic? There's other people in the room maybe that's it.

I rest my elbow on the desk and lazily place my head on my hand,just resting it there. I turn my eye just for a glance. I just want to see if I'm crazy...or if I'm crazy. I turn my head slightly pretending to scratch it and look over at where Zayn is sitting. And to my surprise there he is, staring. I quickly glance down at my paper to hide my embarrassment and to make it worse my elbow slips and my pencil falls. Dammit. Cover blown.

I try to reach for it without getting up. I don't want to cause a scene. I just wanted to sit here, through this boring lecture and go on about my day but no. Mystery boy had to pounce in and mess with my aura. Mr.Enigma I should say.

As I reach for my fallen pencil I only make matter worse when my foot kicks it even further, him.

Why me?

Zayn looks down and sees my struggle. He looks at me and looks at the pencil. A smug grin comes across his face and he kicks it even further. This guy. I sit back up in my seat. I don't know if I should go get the pencil, maybe that's what he wants. But why is he messing with me? I glance over at him only to find him not looking but what it appears to be drawing.

I don't need the pencil but I am curious. I wonder what he's drawing. I use this moment to my advantage. I get up and walk on over to where Zayn is and I catch a glimpse of what he's drawing. Its a woman. She's beautiful. It's amazing detail. The words then slip out my mouth before can stop them.

"She's beautiful.."I say softly, more to myself then to at Zayn. He jumped a little and sighed heavily before closing his journal. He rolled his eyes and slouched in his chair a little. I guess he hasn't noticed me standing beside him. "I'm sorry I just came here for-" I bend down and grab the pencil I dropped and raise it a little and smile softly. I stay bent down, kneeling on one knee.

"She really is beautiful. Is she anyone you know or is it-"

"None of your fucking business mate. Now shoo. Go back to whatever is it you do. Leave me alone."

"Why are you so bitter? I've only ever tried to be nice to you. I did nothing to you."

"You don't have to. Mind your own. God, your so damn annoying. Go bother Niall that seems to be your specialty."

"What does Niall have to do with anything?". Before he could answer the bell rings and he glares at me. He stands up and pushes his way pass me as he storms out the classroom.

What does Niall have to do with anything?

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