The Secret Life of a Teenage Vampire

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Chapter 1

“Make sure everyone in your “Boat” is rowing and not drilling holes when you’re not looking.”

They grew up in a small town. About 1,000 people in all. A perfect place for dark secrets to arrive and  friends to question their trust. 

Their school was small too. 300 students. Not much happened around here. The school looked like a prison on the outside and the only thing different on the inside was the lockers. The food may have been slightly better than prison food too, but none of them would’ve known what prison food actually tasted like. At least they didn’t yet.

This is a story about Nick and his friends. Discover the secrets of close friends and deathly threats. Join Nick and his friends in a world where evil exists and friends have deathly secrets. After all who do you turn to when your friends are actually your enemies?

                                                                     September 4th, 2018 (Monday)

It was the first day of senior year. They couldn’t be more excited. “So what are your classes?” Nick asked his girlfriend, Jasmine. Nick had straight light brown hair. He ALWAYS wore a hat with his casual clothing and he was quite tall. Actually, let me rephrase that not quite tall, very tall. VERY tall. Jasmine was shorter than Nick (Well, who wasn’t) and she had medium length brown hair. 

“Umm, well I have German, then English..” She continued on as Ashley (Nick’s best friend) skipped over to them. Ashley had dark brown hair and blonde streaks underneath. She was taller than Jasmine but still shorter than Nick. 

“Hey guys! How was summer?” She asked in a very cheerful voice, mostly making the question towards Jasmine because she didn’t see her all summer. 

“Great actually! Where’s Ray?” Jasmine smiled while mentioning Ashley’s crush. And he had been since she moved here three years ago. 

“Yeah, I haven’t seen him around for a while.” Nick added to his girlfriend’s statement and smiled. 

“He should be here soon. So how long have to two been dating now? 8 months? Or something like that?” Ashley questioned and Nick saw Ray walking towards the group. Ray was almost as tall as Nick and had black hair with brown eyes. 

“9 months.” Jasmine answered for Nick and greeted Ray with a “Hey Ray how have you been?” 

“Pretty damn good.” He answered and they continued with there conversation for about 5 more minutes until Clay walked over. Clay was short, with not so straight brown hair and brown eyes. He also had this weird obsession with hamsters.  

“Ashley! Did you see the new Spider-Man movie? It’s AMAZING!!” He squealed and jumped up and down. 

“No, Clay I didn’t get a chance to see it. I really want to though.” Ashley explained and those three headed off to class. 

The Secret Life of a Teenage Vampire (Under editing) Where stories live. Discover now