S1 P2

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You wake up, getting up a little before your alarm. Your hair is very fuzzy and messy, which is due to your nekomata genes, which you absolutely hate cause when it gets like this, it's very hard to brush, but atleast its uncommon, but its apparant today. You sit up, just sitting for a moment, then you groan and get out of bed. You slug over to the bathroom, going to the sink and splashing water on your face, which helps a bit. You go back to your room, deciding on outfits again. Turtle neck or tank top with a jacket? Hmm... you check out the weather, and yea its tank top time! Its another amazing outfit you have, but then again you dont have one you dont like. You get dressed then go to the bathroom again, brushing your teefs and hair, then carefully following your care guide for peach fuzz-like fur for nekomatas! You then run downstairs in hope to find your loving family down there, but nope! Now you have another task, wake everyone up, cause lord knows they need it. You go back up stairs and knock on Elizabeth's door.
"Lizzie! Its like, five! Its time to get up!"
You do the same to Katie, then go down to your father's room, and before knocking, the door swings and open and you feel a bear hug from your father.
"I heard you from upstairs darling." He kisses your forehead and let's go, walking by.
You laugh, following him.
"Do we have a plan for breakfast?"
"Nope. Feel free to do whatever."
"Aww." You shrug and trot over to the freezer. "Can you teach me how to do eggs? Scrambled."
"Scrambled eggs?" He smirks. "Hell yea. The quicker I can get you doing breakfast is quicker I can relax and retire. We need some eggs, milk and butter."
You grab that out, setting it all on the counter. Dad put the pan on the oven and got down a measuring cup.
"You will start with four eggs."



You wake up from your sisters banging on your door. You kinda just slip back into your slumber for about three more minutes before the weird falling pre-dream that shocks you back up, so you just wake back up. You're clearly not allowed to go back to sleep via your brain, so you just hop out of bed and shiver. You feel like a wet rat, oh my god. You just shimmy over to your clothes and pick out something random, which ended up being a pineapple skin shirt and a navy blue skirt. You pair that up with white socks with navy blue rings and yellow vans. You try to stick with your eccentric yet cute aesthetic Mari used to have, but left for some stupid style that you totally don't want to adopt when she drops it. You walk out, hearing your sister and dad downstairs talking to each other. You waddle over to Elizabeth's room, opening the door and getting on her bed.
"Yoohoo." You gently kick her, getting a groan out of her.
"K... Katie... Get the f..."
"Nope! I know your butt has to work." You smile and get down on her level, staring into her eyes.
"Fuck off..."
"Nevah!" You hop off and go to her closet. "I shall be your mother today, and you will weaaar..." you look over her closet, picking out a white shirt with grey stripes and brown pants with gold buttons near the fly.
"This!" You lay that down on her bed, going into her drawer, looking for socks. Lizzie got up quickly, seeing you go through this. She grabs you, pulls you back, then shuts the drawer. You got a glimpse of something weird but you dont really know.
"Nope! I have socks somewhere else." Her knees were a bit wobbly from the sudden shock, but she goes over to a basket with clothes in them and pulls out socks and undergarments.
"Now get the hell out."
"You're welcome!!" You grin and walk out, walking over to the bathroom and brush your teeth and hair, but that's about it. You then run downstairs and check on what's going on in the kitchen. Mari is putting some eggs on plates and your dad sits down.
"Katie!! I made eggs!"
"All by herself too." Your father chirped in.
"Noo, you helped." Mari layed down four plates.
"I just told you what to do. Be proud." He smiles and tries it. "
"Any good?" Mari waited for a response. You sat down and tried it.
"Oh my god that is,, really good!" You praised her, it really was great.
"Could use more pepper."
Mari takes the responses and sits down, trying it herself.
"Dad, you live on pepper."
"I really do."
You mostly just listened to them banter. They're clearly having a good morning.

Mari Mari Cutie : RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now