Chapter 1 🔥All Hell Breaks Lose🔥

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(Y/n)- your name
(H/c)- hair colour
(H/l)- hair length
(F/c)- favorite colour
(E/c)- eye colour
(F/f)- favorite food
Declan is a made up character



You were walking home from school you had to stay late because you got detention from beating up a kid for bullying you nobody ever saw it your way. You've been lonely sense you left Beacon Hills to live with your dad not really you decision but meh. Everything you do is never good enough for your dad gets an A eh you can do better gets a job meh you can do better. Your were tired of it and you missed your brother Scott. You continued to walk in the light of the moon when suddenly all you see is pitch black all you remember is a sharp pain.

~~time skip brought to you by derek stripping~~😍

You woke up tyed to a chair and no way of escaping. "Some one help me" you yelled
"Hush little pup no need to shout" a mysterious voice hushed
"Who are you" you cryed a shadowy figure stepped out of the shadows
"My name's Deucalion little pup" the shadowy figure answered.
"Wh...why am I here" you whimpered
"We've been watching you for a little while little pup we see how strong you are" Deucalion answered. You look to your right and see a more feminine shadow but all you could see was the glow of red eyes. "And how apathetic (totally didn't have to look up the word) you are to everyone" the feminine voice cuts off Deucalion
"Ahh kali" Deucalion smiles
"Wh...what are...are you people" you stuttered
"Were Alphas young child" a muscular man stepped out
"A...alphas you mean as in... w...wolves" you stuttered again
"Exactly" Kali smiled and her face began to change. you let out a deth defining scream.

~~time skip~~

You layed on the ground in a pool of your own blood trying to breath, your body covered in bites. You began to shake and the bites began to heal.You stopped shaking and took in a long needed breath.

"She survived wonderful" Deucalion smiled. You stood up legs shaking.
"What do you mean" you were no longer afraid just angry really angry.
"Declan stay here and whatch the little pup" Deucalion smiled before aiming a gun at me and shooting me in the stomach.
"Yes boss"
Deucalion and Kali left leaving Declan he kept an eye out side

~~Time Skip~~

It was 4 days later or so Declan hadn't moved from his spot and Deucalion still hasn't came back you had enough you ran as fast as you could then jumped on top of Declan's muscular shoulders. He tried to get you of but it just made you tighten your legs around his neck. After about 2 minutes you reached your hands down under his chin pulling to the left as far as you can until you heard a SNAP his body fell to the ground you took a quick glimpse down then ran outside were you saw Deucalion and Kali you kept running the last thing you could hear him say was "Alpha lupus demone" you didn't care you just kept running and running through the deep dark woods. The rain began to come down but you kept running until you made it home. Once you were you ran in yelling for your dad.
"What is it (y/n)" dad growled
"I...I'm back i...I escaped dad I'm back" you pleaded
"Back from where you stupid slutt" dad hissed. You begin to lose it, your eyes begin to glow purple you look outside to see the full moon but when you turn back to look at your farther his face was a look of disgust and fear. He raises his hand then brings it down to slap you, you grab it your nails dig in to his arm blood begins too slip out. You raise your clawed hand and you claw his chest blood spraying out all over you, you continue until he's on the floor then you realise what you've done and run out. You run the only thing going through your head is Get To Scotty. You keep running and running until you reach Beacon Hills. As soon as you made it in to the main part of town you feel yourself begin to collapse you look down at my stomach to see blood oozing out you noticed the bullet that Deucalion shot at you 4 days ago you had thought it healed but obviously not you feel your body begin to shut down.

Derek's POV

I was trying to find that dumb ass Scott but I couldn't catch his scent. I look around until I see this girl with beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair. She looks like she's about to faint. I quickly run over to her and just before she lands on the ground i catch her and lift her up i feel a wave of passion and lust roll over me. I was sure she felt it too but all she said before she fainted was "who are you?". I picked her up bridal style then ran into the woods, to my now burnt down house and up to my room laying her gentle down onto my bed. I could feel my heart begin to race at her peaceful face. So many things were going through my mind, 'what is happening to me'...'why am I helping her'...'What is it about her that makes me want to see her whimper under my grasp'. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. I looked down at her stomach and her clothes they were all covered in blood and shredded her bra is only holding on by a thread. I looked at the blood on her stomach I noticed the sourse of some of the blood. I quickly ran a downstairs and grabbed a bowl of warm water and a wash cloth then quickly ran back upstairs and began gently wiping the blood off her stomach to see a bullet "shit" I cursed under my breath. I got my claws out and gently pushed them into the bullet hole. She began to whimper and squirm it made my heart break when I said I wanted to see her whimper under my grasp I didn't mean this. But I knew I had to pull the bullet out, I kept going deeper and deeper until I could get my nails under it and I pulled it out and placed it on the bedside table. I turned back to see the wound healing its self. 'So she is a werewolf' I thought to myself.

Yayyyyy first chapter done and my first fanfic and x reader hope youliked it I know it's a bit weird but there might be a smutt or a lemon next chapter

Bye bye my little LA Nightmares

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