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Chapter 2

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THE music had started.

Noor was barely aware of the beginnings of a fast-paced song, the dancers around her beginning to twirl. Someone brushed her arm, and she jolted into motion, her feet carrying out the steps before she realized what was happening.

She was performing the steps, fully focused on keeping her eyes away from the Rajkumar. She stared at the back of one of the girls in front of her, not letting the gold beads of the girl's skirt out of her sight.

Ya'Neqer, she was a fool.

That man in the hallway—he was undeniably the Rajkumar. A lookalike? The thought was ludicrous. She twirled as the music increased its tempo, her heart beating at the same pace as the mridangam.

She chanced a look at the Rajkumar. His eyes weren't on her anymore, thankfully. He didn't look angry. Noor allowed herself to breathe. Perhaps he wouldn't execute her then. She had been awfully rude to him, though.

She danced her way to the edges of the room, with everyone else, leaving space for Nazrat's solo. Normally, she would avoid looking at her, but this time Noor kept her gaze stuck on the dancer in the centre of the room.

Nazrat was as graceful and beautiful as always, but Noor couldn't concentrate. Not when she could see the Rajkumar throwing glances at her from the corner of her eye.

She kept her eyes resolutely away from the throne and the men surrounding it all through the dance. Eve when it ended, she looked away, focusing on the dancers around her.

And finally, they left the durbar.

Noor exhaled, her shoulders sinking, as soon as the doors closed behind them. Her fingers were still shaking as they walked back to their quarters.

Haqiya nudged her shoulder. "What's the matter?"

Noor shook her head. "Nothing," she murmured. "Just...thinking of something."

"Ah." Haqiya nodded. "You have to go to the library now? With Amir?"

Noor nodded.

"Well, don't stay there the entire night. We'll probably have a performance again tonight, a late-night one. Be back on time."

"I will," Noor murmured. "See you then." She made her way to her room, greeting the other girls inside, and went into her own cubicle. She drew the curtains, turning and sitting on the bed.

She dropped her head into her hands. Ya'Neqer, what was going to happen to her now? Hopefully, the Rajkumar would be merciful. Sher Butnam would have her head if she'd snapped at him like that.

She shook her head, sitting up straight. There was nothing to be done now. She faced her mirror and undid her hair, letting it hang loose over her back. She carefully changed out of her heavy, golden costume and folded it on the bed, taking out a simple gown and putting it on. She left all her jewelry on the dresser, except her thin gold ring.

She walked outside, out of the dancers' quarters, making sure to use the servants' pathways till she reached the library. She walked in, her shoulders relaxing at the heavy quiet. She made her way to a familiar section, stopping near one of the tables.

"Amir," she whispered harshly, nudging the shoulder of the  slender boy slumped on it.

He jolted up, eyes still closed, and groaned. He had sleep lines down one cheek, probably from the table's edge, and his dark hair was completely messy.

"Wake up." She chuckled, sitting down beside him.

He rubbed his eyes and opened them, grimacing. "What time is it?"

"Not late enough for you to be asleep." She grinned, taking one of the books in front of him. "Especially not when you're supposed to be studying."

He tried to smooth down his dark curls. "I couldn't help it. I was up all night."

Noor felt her smile dying away. "I see."

He nodded, avoiding her eyes. He cleared his throat and grabbed one of the books, flipping a page.

"I thought he'd stopped," Noor said, keeping her voice low. She played with the ring on her finger instead of looking at him.

Amir sighed, sounding more tired than she'd ever heard. "I don't think he will. Not until someone checks his power."

"Maybe the Rajkumar will take over soon," Noor offered, grimacing as the earlier memory came back to her.

Amir shrugged, turning to her. "Maybe. Enough about me. How was your day?"

"Terrible." Noor couldn't keep it in any longer. She gave him a despairing look.

Amir raised an eyebrow. "Why? Weren't you so excited about your new costume? I distinctly remember you saying that it was so much more dignified than you were used to."

"Of course it is, quite a lot of my body was covered. " Noor said quickly. "But that's not it. I made a mistake, Amir."

She told him everything, from bumping into the man to snapping at him to discovering he was the Rajkumar, the Crown Prince, the—

"The Heir to the throne, Amir!" She banged her head on the table. "Make sure to turn up at my funeral."

He laughed.

She turned her head to glare at him.

Amir stopped laughing, but he was still smiling. "You're overreacting, Noor."

She sat straight up. "How can you say that? Do you have any idea what trouble I could get in?"

His face softened. "If it was Sher Rakim or, you know—him—yes, you would." He swallowed. "But I've heard the Rajkumars are kind. Have you talked to the serving girls lately?"

Noor shook her head, eyebrows furrowing.

"They're so much better than anyone else in the palace. Everyone's talking about it, I'm surprised you haven't heard."

"I was a bit busy dancing for them," Noor said grumpily.

He gave her an exasperated look. "In any case, I highly doubt he's going to kill you. Or even punish you. Most likely he's forgotten about it."

Noor pushed aside the churning of her stomach. "Are you sure?"

He nodded, flicking her forehead lightly. "Sure. Now get to work."

Noor scowled at him, swatting his arm. "I'm not the one who was asleep," she grumbled, before turning to her book.

She could practically hear Amir roll his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

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