cup forty-one.

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     'He left did he?'

Hyunggu glanced as he saw shinwon took a sit beside the sidewalk, watching the flickering streetlight at the end of the road. Hyunggu could only nod at shinwon question.

Hyunggu could not dare look at the man beside him, he was supposed to make shinwon go away -supposed to drive him away.

It was a test, just to make sure shinwon was true to his feelings about hui.

That was his task.

But he doesnt need to, seeing that shinwon was here beside him. Head down, hands on his hair - even if he tries to quiet down his sobs. It was piercing hyunggu's heart.

It was enough evidence that what they have...was really true.

'I already knew that he would leave.' Shinwon confessed, voice lower than average, body trembling even if hyunggu havent touched it.

'He's always distant and when I thought I caught him. I'll realize it was just his shadow, a faćade - Him leaving...I just never expected for it to happen so soon.'

Hyunggu could only watch as silent tears fell. He's not in place to tell him but hui never told him that he cant.

'He'll comeback shinwon.'


But shinwon heared his heart break a little as he said the final words,

'I know.'

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