cup forty-five.

25 5 0

    'Master requested for your presence back at Daesang. Please pack your things, we'll leave a day after tommorow.'

As his father's sender relayed the message, he left shinwon alone to his own accord.

Shinwon doesnt want to go back without  seeing hui again. If he goes back home , and hui havent seen him at kopi factory.

His chances with the man might be lost forever.

Shinwon weigh in his options, thought of an only solution.

But this solution would cost him, his dreams, something he always wanted to do

A movie director.

No scripts, no words, no play.

Only a never ending business tycoon, his father's dream was for shinwon to carry the Koh industry.

Shinwon never wanted that

But as what shinwon did, he weigh in his options. His dream or his father's dream.

Deciding what was best for him.

For his future. For his fucking heart that wont stop beating.

Shinwon then chose that he would have to do his fathers dream.

Letting go of being a movie director... it wasnt an easy task. It felt like you're so sure about yourself but then a thing came, more like a person, and then you're not so sure anymore.

But Hui became his dream.

And so at the middle of the night, where half of this town sleeps, the weary went to search the meaning of their life  and the happy sleeps away.

Shinwon called the phone number to judge his fate.

But he was already sure of what he would choose.

Even if hui didnt pick up his call, each vibration of the phone was making shinwon curl his toes.

Because compared to his dream of being a movie director, hui was more important than anything else.

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