Chapter 1- A beginning

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     "Father, I'm going to school now. " Said UK. He was just a insecure little boy, not yet ready to be a country. "Ok son ,  goodbye!" The British Empire said. UK ran out the door and hopped onto the old fashioned school bus. (Of course) He took a seat near the window, so he could get a good view of the town. Suddenly, a mysterious girl, about his age walked over to him. She sat beside him, not even making eye contact. But she did notice him though. UK was sweating intensively. "Is this a new student? Why have I never seen her? Ahhh I'm  sitting next to a girl!" He thought. His expression clearly showed he was panicking.  The strange girl looked over. "Excuse me, are you okay?" She asked. UK looked back. Nobody ever sat next to him. Especially not a girl. "O-oh I'm fine!" He said, still trying to keep calm. He wasn't ready for socializing yet. "If you say so. By the way, I'm France." She introduced. France was quite pretty, to be honest. "I'm U-UK!" He shyly replied. He kept blushing and sweating.

                                                                                        France's P.O.V

     I looked at the boy beside me. Did he think I was scary or something? Is there something on my face? I observed um.. UK's face. Aha! It was the British Empire's son. My dad kept talking about him for some reason. Anyways, I stared at the window.  He sighed and talked to me "So, are you new here?" He asked. "Yeah, my dad keeps making me switch schools." I responded, full of confidence. "That explains why I never see you around." He joked. I giggled a bit but still  betrayed a straight face. My dad keeps telling me to be straightforward and ambitious. He would usually say "Oh France! You know you're going to make mistakes if you keep acting around, being all silly!" That annoys me everytime. I mean, What do you expect? We're just teens! I got more annoyed, just thinking about it.

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