#They get hurt pt.2#

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   He gets hurt from trying to impress you. He says it's worth it getting injured because you stay with him all the time and cuddle with him.

   He gets injured from dancing. You get a call from Lauryn telling you he got injured and you immediately got up and went to go be with him. After the hospital you guys would cuddle.

She got hurt because while filming TUA because of one of the things she needed to do. You got a call from her manager and you rushed to be by her side. You spent the day watching movies.

He got hurt by doing something really stupid with the curly hair squad. You lectured him to not do that again and how stupid he was. Then he promised not to do THAT stupid thing again.

   He broke his arm playing PE in school. You helped him and basically baby him like he would do with you. You guys really are in love.

   You both are injured, like I said again.

   In aerial, just like you did. You also took MC from dance to stay with her.

       Hey sorry this is so short.

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