#what's it like to date Ethan Hwang#

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This is all about Ethan because he's a bean I love him so much

-watching his hockey games
-being injured together
-watching Disney Movies together
-having a Disney Movie Marathon
-saying to each other to never get injured again but after a day, week, or month into saying that statement you both get injured
-loving each other so much
-cuddles!!! SO MANY CUDDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-holding your hand all the time
-nicknames; Angel, love, princess etc.
-trying to d you hair
-playing with his baby brother
-hugging you all the time
-forehead kisses all the TIME!!!!!!!
-you sleeping on his chest all the time
-when he falls asleep on you it's always on your lap so you play with his hair
-being spoiled because he buys you everything you need or love

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