#Your's and Their's first thoughts of each other#

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  His: Woah, she's pretty. I feel bad for bumping in to her. But I Do Not regret it!!
  Yours: The fu- oh...damn he cute. Gladly he bumped into me and no other girl.

  His: Cameron has a sister? She's cute. I'm going to make her mine before Dante gets her.
  Yours: Cameron didn't mention about cute boys. Especially that guy[Blake].

   Hers: Shit I bumped into someone. Shit!! I spilled my drink on them. Why is she laughing?
Yours: Shit, I bumped into someone. Oh, I never liked this outfit anyway.

His: I love this girl already.
  Yours: I love this boy already.

  His: [Baby noises]
  Yours: [Baby Noises]

  His: No way this girl broke the same leg I did in the same way!! I need to know this girl.
  Yours: He's my soulmate!!

  Hers: She's a model too. Cool.
  Yours: She looks good in that outfit. I bet she's a model.

   Hey, do you guys like it? Like I said before I'm open to requests.

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