#1/ The legend

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Hands and wings
Human and dragon

One man will control all
He, living in a cave,
the cave of dark
The cave of sins

But once his age is almost immortal
He will find a one who finds his true side

But one will come between,
blood will spill,
Fire will burn,

one who is loved will burn

"Such a strange story" I tell myself. I close the book, my favorite book I might add, 'Legends Lost'. It lists a whole bunch of old legends.

Books at my only friend, that and  nature.

Anyway, it's probably time for me to come out and be 'social'. So stand in Mable's shadow. Just jolly.

I head downstairs to the living room, where my Grunkles are talking to Mable about all her accomplishments. So I just keep walking, until I hit the door, in which I open and run outside.

I take a deep breath and exhale, "god... nothing is like this, nothing is better", I sit under a tree and read some more.

-Hour later-

I finished the book, it had a really nice ending. I get up and get ready to leave, I grab my bag, wich by the way has 'Legends Lost' in it.

I get up, dust myself off, and set out for the house.

Then I realize something, "I don't know where I am" I think out load to myself. I went way farther than originally intended.

I look for anything memorable. I see smoke rising, "CIVILIZATION!" I basically shout out with joy, "not gonna spend the night outdoors!". I run to the smoke.

Only to find.... a cave. "HELLO" I yell in the cave. I notice that the smoke is coming from the cave. I gulp, noticing that the sun is almost all the way down. "Please, I need a place to stay the night!" I beg. A small night comes from the cave, showing a siloete of a man, I can't make out details, cause he's covered in a cloak. He coughs at the smoke, Wich for some reason stopped. I see he's holding a lantern that is the source of light. "Ugh!" He groans, "boy, you don't want to stay here, I've been told I'm annoying" "PLEASE, I can't get home, PLEASE". He rolls his eyes, "I hope you brought books, I haven't read a new book in years" he mumbles, my face lights up.

He signals for me to follow him, I do. He leads me down the cave, which is actually like a house, very nice. He takes me to a room, I can only guess is his living room. A few books, a sofa, not much else. He walks over and sits on a chair I sit on one across from him.

We look at each other and a awkward silence draps us. "So do you have any books?" "Pshhhhhhhh! Who doesn't". I grab my bag and dig out three books. He eagerly grabs one, 'Legends Lost'. He flips through the pages and stops at one and starts laughing. "What?" I ask, he looks at me and shows me the legend I read earlier. "what so funny" "it's funny how they depicte m...... The legend". My mouth hangs open. "Y-you are the legend" "SHUT UP" he snaps.

I'm now scared.

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