#5/ Chains and fire

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~Month in the future~

Bill runs through the hallway with my  bag, "try and catch me sucker!" He yells. I give chase. He finally turns a corner and falls on the ground. I stand over him. "Hello! How are you" he asks his voice a bit shakey. "Pretty good, you?" "Nice, so... Don't murder me" "that would my life boring if I did that". I extend a hand to help him up, he leaves the bag on the ground and takes the hand. Once he's up he pecks my cheek and grabs and hands me my bag. I hum as he does so. We walk towards the living room.

We sit down on the couch and just stare at each other. "Bet I can beet you at chess!" He blurts out. I stare at him "if I win we get fly around all day tomorrow!" "And if I win I get a kiss!". We shake hands and I get the board.

-hour later-


HA! WEAK! GULLIBLE! LOSER!" Bill shouted once he won. I roll my eyes, and walk over to him. He stands up and grabs my waist, pulling me in. Then smacking his lips against mine, I do likewise. He pulls with a wicked grin plastered on his face.

We stand in complete silence for a minute. Then a voice calls through the cave, "PINES". Me and Bill walk to the front of the cave, holding hands. I look through the front of the cave and see my family.

"Guys!" I yell running up to hug Mable, Stanley, and Ford. They all hug back. I look back at the cave to see Bill looking really jealous. I giggle and motion for him to join us, they all gasp at the sight of Bill's horns. "He's got horns! How much did they cost!?" Stan asks. Ford slaps his arm. "Sorry. What are you exactly?!" Ford asks sincerely interested. "I'll answer your question if you answer mine" "what's your question?" "How'd you find us" "magic map" "oh ok, and I don't exactly know what I am". Ford nods, "Dipper can you back up from Bill a bit" I nod and apply. Bill looks a bit sad.

Stan walks back to the bushes, goes behind a big tree that's branches are shading us. And cuts something, Bill's and  I look up to see ea net falling on him. I dive and knock him out of the way, making the net fall on me. Bill gets off the ground of the ground and looks at Ford, who has wide eyes. He growls and glows yellow. "BILL NO" I shout as he turns to a huge fire breathing dragon, full of rage. He grabs yeh net with his teeth and flings it off me. Then he turns his attention to my family. We hear rustling in the brush, Bill doesn't move it look at the noise but I do. Soldiers, soldiers with weapons, soldiers with chains, soldiers here for me and Bill.

Bill rawrs, showing his back tuonge and glossy white teeth. I back up slowly. I try to gather courage to fight, so I grip my arm and run straight to Bill. I climb up on his back, go to the saddle bag and grab a dagger. I then run up and climb onto Bill's head. He knocks down a row of soldiers with his tail. I pray that my plan works and dive-bomb a soldier, I land on his back knocking him down. I grip the dagger tighter, then I stab his neck. Grabbing his shield I charge at another soldier. He tryed to stab my arm, but I use the shield to block the blow. I stab his leg, making him fall. I look at Bill.

He now has a chain on his right leg. He snarls shapily, swings his tail, hitting someone, "MABLE". He looks at the girl he hit with sorrow filled eyes. The soldiers take the chance and throw chains at his legs and snout. The chains lock on his back left leg. He lifts his head up and inhales, when he exhales he leets out a deadly blue flame. I stare as the flames devour the grass and leaves. He flicks his tail as he looks at me, he pats the fire out with his paw. I smile at him, I can tell he feels more confident.

His eyes grow large and he lets out a shriek. I feel hands grab me and a knife agianst my neck. "Cipher, come with us peacefully and the boy won't be hurt" the man holding me says. Bill's eyes say it all. I slowly comes stomping forward, then he lowers his head and stops. He glows then he speaks as a person. "Please.... please don't hurt him.... he's all I have left" he says as tears stream down his face, mine do likewise. "Good" the man says. I wacth as someone walks up behind Bill and knocks him out. The man pulls away. I let out a cry and run to Bill. Holding his chest to my heart, I look at Mable she looks like she's in pain. "why?" I whisper, then feel a sharp pain in my head, everything faded to black.

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