#9/ Fly away, part #1

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I am alive! Also at the end of the chapter I will have a small vote about something so please voice yourself cause I'm on the fence about this!!! ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!!

The walls crumbling around as I look at Bill. He's grinning but fear fills his dragon eyes. He shrinks back down to his human form. "WHAT?! WE HAVE A GIANT DRAGON AND YOU'RE A HUMAN?!?!?!?" I whisper/yell at him. "We have to be stealthy, and a dragon kinda says 'HAY COME CAPTURE US AGAIN!'" he whisper/yells back at me. I giggle silently, then we quietly walk  down the crumbled hallway. We turn to the left and see a door without rubble in front of it. "we can skip" Bill says, almost  on cue we hear feet shuffling towards us. "NOPE" I say as I push Bill into the room. The door has gold letters on it, spelling out, Storage.  We walk inside and lock the door. We hear yelling outside the door. We look around the room. We see something that may help or may not.

Bill and I look at each other and grin.

Sorry for the short chapter but I need a cliff hanger, and I need to publish some thing.

Also, the vote:

Should I or should I not write a Todarokyi x Izuku?

I need oppions!!

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