Chapter Nine

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Josie POV-

I slowly blink open my eyes and quickly realize my hands are bound behind me. I reach out and feel a hand. I turn my head as far around as possible to see blonde hair. "Lizzie?" I try to grab her hand but it is a little too far away with her not trying to grab my hand back. "Lizzie, wake up," she starts to stir a little, "Let me sleep, Jo, it's Sunday." I try to grab her hand again and just graze her fingers. "Lizzie, open your eyes, now," she lifts her head. "What the hell?"

Lizzie POV-

"How did we get here?" a wave of pain shoots through my head where I can feel my pulse behind my eyes. "What is the last thing you remember, Jo?" Josie is quiet for a second before speaking. "We walked over to get more drinks when we saw something by a tree a couple of feet away. We walked over and," Josie stops, "That's all I remember." I sigh. "Well, this is just great." I reach out and Josie and I grab each other's hand as best as possible. The chairs we were bound to had us back to back.

Josie POV-

We were sitting there in silence for a couple of seconds when I remembered. Oh my gosh, Hope. It was flooding back a little. "Lizzie, we left Hope. She was waiting for us to come back." A tear rolls down my cheek as I let out a shaky breath. "Jo, you know she's doing everything she can to find us," Lizzie gave my hand a quick squeeze. "Where are we?" I look around to see a bare room with tan walls. It had one window, one white door, and wooden floors.

I hear someone coming up what sounds like stairs. The white door clicks as someone unlocks it. I turn my head around to see a guy walk into the room. Probably 5'11 with short brown hair, a black hoodie, and jeans. "Well hello twins, glad you can finally join us," Lizzie scoffs. "And you are?" she really should drop the sass but I know that's her coping mechanism when she's nervous.

"My name isn't important. What is important is that Hope Mikaelson shows up to save you and she can finally be eliminated. Her entire family destroyed my life so I plan to make them suffer as much as I have." A voice calls from downstairs, "Hey, can you come down here real quick?" The man rolls his eyes. "No one is capable of doing their jobs by themselves anymore are they? Well, I'll be back later. Enjoy the view," he laughs to himself before leaving the room and locking the door behind him. I let out a shaky breath. "Lizzie, what are we going to do?" We sat there in silence for what felt like hours before I see her.

Hope POV-

I open my eyes to see Josie and Lizzie bound in chairs back to back. "Hope?" Josie's voice croaks out, confused. I rush over and kneel in front of her placing my hands on her thighs. She looks down but I know she can't feel me. "Are you guys okay? Did they hurt you?" I look into Josie's eyes that are red from crying. "Thank god, Hope? Is that really you? Josie, you see her too right? This isn't just an episode?" Josie lets out a small laugh. "No Lizzie, it's really her," Josie looks down at my hand and can see that a couple of my bones are still healing because my fingers are slightly crooked and the knuckles are bruised. "Hope, what happened to your hand?" I look at my hand before looking back up at Josie," I can tell you later, right now, I have to figure out where you are."

I stand up and walk over to the window and see rows and rows of white tombstones in the distance. It is getting closer to nighttime now; I didn't realize how long we were researching. "Hope?" Josie's voice sounds broken, it hurts me so much to hear her like that. "This, this man came into the room he looked probably 5'11, brown hair, hoodie, and jeans. Nothing unique about him. He wants you to show up so he can kill you. You can't come here. He said your family ruined his life, I just, Hope I can't let you get hurt for us." I walk back over to Josie and place my hand on Lizzie's shoulder as well to try and comfort her. "I am going to come find you, I will bring you home. Remember, you're stuck with me, Jo." Josie lets out a laugh. I turn to look at Lizzie, "And Lizzie, MG needs you to come home too so you can go to the dance together. We will bring you both back. Your dad is worried sick." Lizzie looks up at me and gives me a smile with a quiet thank you.

"Jo," I turn back to look at her. "I love you, Jo, I just want you to know that," a tear rolls down her cheek. I try to wipe it away but quickly remember I can't. "I love you too Hope," Josie tries to lean into my hand that she can see but not feel. I hear some movement downstairs so I look at the twins once more. "I will be back, I promise, stay strong." Josie looks up at me as I stand back up as she quietly says, "Always." I hear the door unlocking so I concentrate on returning and close my eyes.

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