Chapter Fifty-Six

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Josie POV-
Hope and I sit on the edge of the dock for another hour not saying anything. We don't need words right now just each other. Eventually, I start to shift to stand up and Hope helps me. The pregnancy belly throws off my usual balance. "Ready to go back?" I nod my head. "Yeah, we need food so you don't get hangry." I am trying to lighten the mood and it works. Hope puts on a fake pouty face before a smile breaks across her face. "You know me so well."
We get back to the house to find Davina, Kol, and Freya in our library reading book after book. Stacks of paper cover the ground. Hope pulls me closer to her dropping my hand so she can wrap her arm around my waist. "Find anything we can use?" Both Freya and Davina jump a little at Hope's voice. They couldn't hear us coming. "Well, we called Caroline and she doesn't remember what the spell was that they used but she still has the necklace that is spelled so that will get here tomorrow. Until then, we are trying to find alternative methods." Freya looks back down to her book and continues reading.
Kol looks up from his book to make a comment. "Too bad we don't have another siphoner. Might be able to siphon some of the babies' abilities temporarily or to some how reverse siphon to give them the energy they want." Hope turns to me. "Do you know how to do that?" I'm not sure I have ever done it. "Let me try to give you some energy." Hope lets go of my waist and regrabs my hand. My hand lights up red. I do my best to will any magic into Hope. The babies have enough for me to siphon just a little from them to give to Hope. Kol looks amazed. Siphoners are extremely rare. He has probably never met one.
Hope's hand glows red as some of my magic flows into her. "Davina, darling, look." Davina looks up from her book to see me transferring some magic to Hope. When I stop, both of our hands lose the red glow. "That is amazing. Wait, Hope, are you able to siphon? After you imprinted, I know we weren't sure if her abilities would transfer to you." Hope raises her hand and makes it glow red. Kol and Davina both grin wildly.
Hope POV-
"Babe, can you teach me how to do it?" I turn to Josie. "I can try, mostly I just focus on instead of pulling the magic out of something think of it like you want to will it forward with your mind." I nod my head.
Josie lifts her shirt. I step forward and place my hand on her exposed belly. "Okay, so draw from yourself and then push it forward." Right, right push it forward. I close my eyes and focus on drawing from myself. I open my eyes and see my hand glowing red. Okay, push forward. I will the magic to leave my hand and go to the babies. I can feel it moving through my hand and down my fingers. It takes a second but Josie's stomach begins to glow. I can feel the magic flowing out of my hand. "You did it," Josie looks as shocked as I do. I stop and Josie's belly stops glowing.
Josie POV-
I can feel the magic flowing from Hope's hand and to the babies. They kick a little bit as she finishes. "That is amazing." Kol stands up and walks over to Hope. "How's it feel to siphon, dear niece?" I know she is excited to have this ability. "You can literally feel the energy transfer." Hope removes her hand from my stomach and wraps it back around me. "Hungry? Any cravings?" Hope gives me a quick kiss after asking. "Honestly, a vanilla milkshake and a burger sounds like heaven right now. I think our kids are going to want burgers every night with how often I crave them." Both of us laugh. "Burgers and milkshakes, it is."
We spend the rest of the afternoon just laying on the couch together in our usual placement, me between Hope's legs and her hands wrapped around me interlocked with mine. We have the tv on but we aren't really watching it. Both of us have been in and out of sleep trying to recover from the past couple of tiring days. I let out a small sigh as Hope leans into my neck again. She does this every couple of minutes. I look down and see my stomach glowing red again. It has been happening more and more.
Freya walks into the room and stops in her tracks. "Josie, you look a little pale, do you need anything?" Freya walks over to the fridge and grabs me a water. Hope lifts her head to get a better look at me. "Aunt Freya, what if I transfer energy to Josie? If the babies are taking it from her, can I just give her more?" She sits down in the chair next to us. "You can try it. It is worth a shot. That will probably work better than giving it to the twins directly." Hope closes her eyes and I watch as her hands glow red. My hands quickly turn red to match hers. I can feel the energy going between us. "There, a little color has returned to your face, Josie." Freya turns to look at Hope next. "If you need some more energy, let one of us know." Hope nods her head acknowledging Freya but I know she won't actually admit to anyone if she is feeling drained. That is definitely a perk of being surrounded by so many supernaturals though. There is an unlimited supply of magic.
Hope POV-
The rest of the afternoon Hope periodically transfer more energy to me. Josie and I head upstairs shortly after we finish eating dinner. We both brush our teeth and change before crawling into bed. I turn the light off and curl up with Josie. "How are you doing, Jo?" I can't see her face as well in the dark room as I would like. "I just feel tired. These kids are a handful and they haven't even been born yet. I told you, that's Mikaelson genes." I can see Josie smirk as she turns her head to look at me. "You love these Mikaelson genes, you married them I would just like to remind you." This makes Josie laugh. "Yes, yes I did." She rolls back over. I hear her breathing settle. It takes me a little longer to fall asleep but eventually I do.
The room is glowing red as I blink open my eyes. The room is still dark telling me it is still night. I listen for Josie's breathing. It is slow, too slow. I reach over quickly and turn the side lamp light on. Josie's face is extremely pale. "Josie, wake up." I place my hand on her shoulder and lightly shove her. "Babe, wake up." She doesn't stir at all. "Josie!"

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