Chapter Fourty-One

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Hope POV-
I convinced Alaric to let me heal up in my room bed instead of the infirmary bed. Josie stays with me holding my left hand, my right arm is still in the sling. Normally, Josie sleeps on my right side but we have to switch for now.
I carefully kneel onto Josie's side of the bed collapsing quickly. I watch as Josie gets ready to lay down on my side before she stops. She walks over to my closet and pulls out one of my hoodies slipping it on before laying down next to me on my side of the bed. "Jo, you're forgetting something." She looks up at me confused before she remembers. She rolls out of my arm and reaches over to the side table to grab her ring. I watch as she slips it back on her finger. Finally, she lays back down curling up into my shoulder.
Josie lets out a huge sigh. "I am so glad that wasn't the last time I was going to be in your room."  She places her hand on my heart feeling it beat. "What are you talking about, Jo?" She didn't mention this before. "Well when I came into your room to talk to you, you weren't here. I had the ring in my hand and I set it on your table. I was a little emotional thinking about the fact that it might be the last time I was ever going to be in your room. Your room still smelled like you. I sat right here for a minute before leaving trying to soak in the moment so I wouldn't forget it." I nod my head. "We sure have had a lot of memories in this room."
We sit there in silence just enjoying each other's company for a while. I can't help but listen to Josie breathing in and out, her hand running through my hair. "Hey Jo, can you grab my laptop so we can watch a movie?" She pushes her head into my good shoulder for a second before pushing herself off my bed. "What do you want to watch?" She reaches into my backpack pulling out my laptop. "I don't care, I just don't like the silence that much." She nods her head acknowledging my comment. Silence reminds me of when she and I couldn't communicate in our heads with each other and when she left me. I always think too much in silence. Josie crawls back into bed next to me. "I've got a better idea."
She sits up next to me placing her back against my head board. I rest my head against the side of her body, my hand resting on her leg as she opens up my laptop. I watch as she clicks on Spotify. "Whoever finds the best song that relates to us, wins." Tons of songs immediately pop into my head. "You're on."
Josie POV-
"Me first!" Hope does her best to take the laptop from me but decides to just let me do the typing. "Okay, look up 'No Boundaries' by Kris Allen." I find the song and hit play. I open up the lyrics so we can follow along. "But you give me one good reason to fight and never walk away. So here I am still holding on." Hope looks up at me smirking. "You don't win that easy."
I pull up "Love is Fire" by Freya Ridings. "Better risk it all to just let it go it's what I'd never do but if love is fire then I  burn for you." Hope and I go back and forth for a while trying to outdo each other finally I find the perfect song to win this.
"In Your Arms" by X Ambassadors and Illenium. "If I died in your arms it's right where I'm s'pposed to be. You know I'm not afraid as long as you're next to me. So tell me, will you hold me when the curtains close? If I died in your arms it's right where I'm s'pposed to be."
Hope pushes her face into my hip. "That was a good song but," she stops, "I've got one final song but it's a surprise. Here, help me set the laptop on my leg. I lift the laptop off of my lap and place it on hers. I hear some clicking before the song starts.  I recognize it immediately.
"Think about what you believe in now am I someone you can't live without? 'Cause I know I don't want to live without you." Hope looks up at me knowing she won. "I don't know why I didn't think of this song." It continues playing. "And you said you never regretted the day that I called you mine. Can I call you mine?" I look towards Hope who can't stop giggling. "I never regretted the day that I called you mine, Jo. This song reminds me of the dance. That was such a good night." I look up to her ceiling trying my best to appear frustrated. "Alright, you win. I can't think of anything better." I look down at Hope who is beaming. "Can you make a playlist on my phone of these songs for me, babe?" I grab her phone and start to build the playlist with the songs we each came up with. I title it "She's Mine". Once I am finished, I hit play.
Hope POV-
I lean into Josie lifting up her shirt enough to kiss some exposed skin on her waist. "Thank you, Jo." She places my phone back on the side table. "Hope, I'm kind of tired can we take a nap?" I know she hasn't really been sleeping I could tell by the bags under her eyes when I saw her yesterday morning. "Yeah of course," I watch as Josie slides down the bed so she can curl up next to me. Our playlist is quietly playing in the background.
I open my eyes a little bit later to the sound of a quiet knock on my door. "Come in," I say trying not to wake Josie. If it is Caroline she will be able to hear me with her vamp hearing. She walks in breaking out in a huge smile as she sees Josie sound asleep spooning me.
"Before I come back to the fact that you are in a sling, I assume the talk went well?" Caroline moves over to sit on the edge of my bed so she can continue to talk to me quietly. "Well the first talk lead to me breaking my collarbone in two different parts. The second talk started with Josie crawling into my infirmary bed in the middle of the night because she missed me. Turns out she was trying to protect me from losing her again. We sorted everything out." Caroline places her hand on my shin which is under the covers, "I'm so glad, Hope." She lets out a deep sigh. "I've got news though, we should probably wake Josie."

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