Chapter 3

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It only takes Sam and Eileen about three hours, give or take, to return to the bunker after their trip out to the store to get Christmas decorations, and so far as soon as they walk in, there is no signs of Dean anywhere. So it seems the older Winchester hasn't stuck to his threat of locking them out of the bunker, considering they were able to come inside without difficulty.

Either way, Sam doesn't bother to call out to Dean. better not to anyway, or he'll have a fit if he sees the amount of Christmas decorations they've bought. Although that's not to say he won't see it all soon enough and complain.

"No signs of your brother?" Eileen asks.

Sam turns to her, shaking his head. "Not yet." He says, making sure Eileen is clearly able to read his lips, considering his hands are too full to sign anything to her. "But I'm afraid it won't be long until he comes our yelling about it all."

He has a feeling that it won't take long for Dean to come out and see all the decorations they've bought, but he does hope it's not going to be very soon. Hopefully they've got at least half an hour before shit hits the fan.

With any luck, Castiel might have him occupied with something for the time being. He can't believe he's even thinking about it, but he rather hopes that's the case. Unfortunately he's fully aware that when his brother and the angel are intimate with one another, they can take a very long time doing it. But in this instance, it's somewhat of a good thing. If that's what they're doing anyway.

Setting the bags down on the map table, Sam and Eileen sort through everything as quick as they can before Dean shows up. They'll have to figure out when is a good time to start decorating, but that can wait a few more days.

Maybe when the time comes to decorate the bunker, he can talk Castiel into taking Dean out somewhere. Where exactly, is up to him, just as long he keeps Dean occupied long enough for them to get all the decorations up.

Though they still need to get a tree. And they may need Castiel's help in getting one, whether that be by him keeping Dean occupied, or him helping to get a tree, Sam's not sure yet. He'll figure that out later. Maybe if Castiel is keeping Dean busy while they decorate, they can try to get Crowley to help them get a tree instead.

Hearing footsteps approaching the map room, Sam spins around, ready to get all defensive in case it's Dean, but he relaxes as he sees it's just his mother, Mary.

"Hey, mom." Sam says, beginning to relax, relieved that it's not Dean who's made his way into the map room. They'd have a problem if it were Dean instead of their mother.

"Hey." Mary says, making her way in and looking through the bags of decorations. "This going to be enough?"

Sam shrugs. "Hopefully."

He's not entirely sure if he and Eileen bought enough decorations, but they don't necessarily have to decorate every room in the bunker. They mostly only need to decorate the library room, and that'll probably be enough. But if they haven't bought enough decorations, they can always go back out to the store at a later date.

"I just checked on Dean." Mary says. "He and Cas are busy watching movies in their room."

"Great." Sam nods. "That should give us some time before Dean comes out and starts complaining about all of these decorations." He says. "What about Jack?"

"Last I checked, he was busy watching puppy videos on his laptop." Mary says.

Sam nods. He doesn't see much point in bothering Jack right now if the kid is happy watching puppy videos on his laptop for now. Jack will be fine on his own anyway, but he'll go see the kid later and tell him what's going on after they've got all the Christmas decorations hidden somewhere where Dean can't find them and dispose of them.

"Mom, can you help Eileen and I hide these somewhere where Dean can't find them?" Sam asks, once they've looked through everything, double checking that they've got what they paid for, and haven't forgotten anything. "I'd hate for him to find it all and try and get rid of it all. He's not too keen on the whole idea of decorating the bunker."

Truthfully, Sam is rather surprised that Dean doesn't want to decorate the bunker. He would've thought that Dean would be up for it, but he guesses he was wrong. A least he's up for a big feast on Christmas though. At least there's that, but it'd be much better if Dean was on board with decorating too.

Mary nods, grabbing one of the bags, as Eileen and Sam grab the others, and they make their way through the bunker, trying to find somewhere they can hide everything from Dean. maybe they can hide it in one of the rooms Dean never goes into.

Though, just as they pass the door to Dean and Castiel's room, Sam freezes as he hears the door open. Fuck... they're caught....

"What you got there, Sammy?" Dean asks, leaning against the door frame.

"Uh..." Sam stammers, trying to figure out what to say. "Nothing?"

"Really?" Dean asks, folding his arms across his chest. "Doesn't look like nothing."

Sam looks to his mother and Eileen, who've both stopped, and are waiting for what they're to do next.

From inside the room, Castiel watches as Dean confronts Sam. He can guess that Sam and Eileen have returned back to the bunker with bags of Christmas decorations, and Dean has caught them with it all.

Not the greatest situation he notes. So he starts to think of the only way to distract Dean from yelling at Sam. Unfortunately for Sam though, the best thing he can come up with, is distracting Dean with sex....

He gets up off the bed and makes his way over to Dean.

"Dean." He says, grabbing onto the hunter's hip, spinning him around to face him.

"Cas, what are yo-" Dean starts, but is cut off by Castiel's lips on his.

And he can never resist his angel, so he kisses him back. Although, he's not entirely sure what brought this on, though he can guess. But he doesn't care, as he pulls Castiel closer to him, and trails kisses down Castiel's neck as the angel rubs their crotches against each other, causing him to completely forget Sam standing behind him staring at him with wide eyes.

Castiel looks at Sam over Dean's shoulder, signalling him that he can go and do what he needs to while he keeps Dean busy. He'll have to apologize to Sam for his strategy to distract Dean, but it seems to work, as Sam practically bolts down the hall.

"Ugh, Dean." Castiel breathes, as Dean starts sucking on his neck, leaving marks that unfortunately won't stay for very long.

Dean looks down at his flustered angel. "I know what brought this on, Cas." He says, well he can guess. Distracting him with sex while Sam goes off to hide Christmas decorations no doubt. "But I don't care."

He doesn't find himself caring right now in his arousal. He'll deal with Sam later. For now though, he's got something else to take care of.

Kicking the door shut behind him, he pushes Castiel back towards the bed, and climbs on top of the angel as soon as he hits the bed.

"Come on then, Dean." Castiel says. "I want you." He pulls Dean down onto him more, and crashes their lips together in a heated kiss.

A Very Merry Christmas In The Bunker || Destiel ✔Where stories live. Discover now