Chapter Two

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*Later that day*
Yoongi's POV:
I had been so distracted by my phone and the fact that there was a disgusting little rat in my room that I hadn't noticed it was 10pm already. I sighed and put my phone on my bedside table before looking at Jimin. He was so annoying. All day he had been lounging around our room, dancing, humming, watching stuff on his phone, and basically doing everything he could to be annoying. I swear he was doing it on purpose to annoy me. "Jimin, put your phone down, we're going to bed" I said. He looked at me and for a millisecond, his puppy eyes made me go soft but then I remembered how much I hated him. "But I'm not tired!!" he whined. "I don't care. I'm tired, so I'm going to bed, which means you have to as well" I growled. Jimin looked at me curiously and slightly annoyed. "Why?" he asked like a toddler. "Because we have to sleep in the same bed dumbass" I sighed like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Surprisingly, there was silence and when I looked at him, I saw him blushing and muttering something about changing before running off. I snorted with laughter. Did he fancy me?? I hope not. In fact probably not. Why did I think that anyway? Besides, even if he did, which I doubted, too bad I was straight. Maybe. I dunno. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and got into bed.
Jimin POV:
I sat on the bathroom floor, my eyes wide. Of course! How could I forget that there was only one bed in Yoongi's room? Of course I was going to have to sleep with him! Not like that obviously, though sometimes I wish I could... In a gay panic, I pushed the dirty thoughts out my mind and went back to the bedroom. It was dark, and I couldn't see where I was going. I didnt know if Yoongi was asleep or not and I didnt want to disturb him, so I didnt turn the light on. Suddenly, not realising how close I was to the bed, I tripped on it and nearly fell over. "What the hell are you doing?! Some of us are trying to sleep here!!" a low voice said with a slight growl in it. "Sorry, I tripped on the bed because it's too dark in here, I think I hurt myself" I muttered. Unexpectedly, a face appeared before mine. In fact, it was very uncomfortably close to mine. Then, a hand reached out to me so I grabbed onto it. "Are you ok?" Yoongi asked, helping me up. "Yeh I think so" I replied. "Come lay next to me then and go to sleep and dont you dare disturb me until the morning" Yoongi replied. I nodded and climbed in next to him. Before I was about to fall asleep though, I felt a light kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight" Yoongi said, and with that he turned away from me. I layed there staring into the dark in shock until eventually I fell asleep.
*Next morning*
Yoongi POV:
I woke up before Jimin and looked over at him. He was still sleeping. I smiled. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. No! I couldn't think that! I didn't like him! Did I?? I suddenly remembered what I did last night and mentally slapped myself. "Oh God why did I do that?!" I sighed. "Hm? Do what?" I heard someone say next to me. "Oh hi Jimin" I said surprised. "Do what?" he repeated. "Nothing" I replied. "Kiss me?" he said curiously. Oh shit. So he was awake! Shit! "Just go get changed and out of my sight, you really think I even want to breathe near you?" I growled. Jimin frowned and ran off. I sat down on my bed as I checked my phone and mentally cursed myself. I hated him, yes, but a part of me was saying differently...
*1 week later*
Jimin POV:
Yoongi hadn't spoken to me for a week. Honestly, this really upset me but I decided not to mention it. I could see that he hated me. Rubbing tiredness away from my eyes, I decided I'd get up. It was a weekend and my parents were out of the house with the Kims so it was just me and Yoongi by ourselves. I grabbed some cereal and went to sit on the sofa.
*An hour later*
Yoongi POV:
I woke up to no Jimin beside me (thank god) and the sound of the TV blaring downstairs. I figured that was where he must be. It was cold this morning, so I decided I'd get changed into a fluffy jumper and jeans straight away. I dragged my feet down the stairs and walked into the living room. And then I nearly screamed. Because on the sofa there was Jimin, fucking naked from the waist up. "What the hell?!" I said alarmed. "What?" Jimin asked, giving me a slight death glare. I cleared my throat and tried to stay calm. "H-how are you not c-cold?" I asked. Oh my God why did I stutter? I had no reason to do that! It was so obvious too! I could tell Jimin had noticed it from the way he was smirking at me. He shrugged. "You were gonna comment on me not wearing a top weren't you? Well guess what Min Yoongi" at this point, he stood up and came too close to me, death glaring me right in the eye. Honestly, he really wasn't that intimidating since he's the same height as me, but still, I didn't appreciate this situation. "This is my house, I live here, I can do whatever the fuck I want" he growled and stepped away. I frowned. "What the fuck has made you so moody all of a sudden?? You haven't talked to me for the past week and then when you do you act like this?!" I exclaimed. "I've been ignoring you? You've been ignoring me!" Jimin cried. "I have good reason to!" I said, nearly shouted. "What's that then??" he asked in a low voice. I gulped. Shit. He sounded really good when his voice went low. And then I remembered I was meant to hate him... "Because I hate you" I said and with that, I stormed out of the room. But before I got very far, I heard Jimin snort "Oh yeah, sure you do Min Yoongi. As if I'm gonna believe that!" Angry and flustered, I turned around and walked back in to face him. "Say that to my face" I growled. Jimin smirked. "You can say you hate me, but I know you don't. As if I'm gonna believe that!" he repeated. I got pissed off at this, and pushed him hard against the wall, just to show him how much I hated him. God, he got on my nerves so much! "Need any more proof that I hate you??" I asked, breathing heavily. Before I knew what had happened, I was pressed up against the wall and Jimin was right in my face, holding onto my waist, our noses practically touching. "What... the... fuck??" I whispered, blinking a few times in confusion. He leaned into me and I felt him breathing into my ear, which made the hairs on my neck stand up in part alarm, part gay panic. Was it gay panic? I'm meant to be straight. Right? And then in a raspy voice that I'd never heard him use before, Jimin whispered: "I don't need any more proof that you hate me and neither do you. I don't need anything. All you need is the proof that you don't"..........

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