Chapter Six

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Jimin POV:
It was about one o clock in the morning when I heard a loud crash that woke me up instantly. I sat up, scared. "What was that?" I whimpered. Instantly, Yoongi woke up and sat up next to me. "What was what?" he asked, instantly grabbing hold of my hand. "I heard a loud crash" I explained. Suddenly, eomma burst into our room. "Boys! Jin has gone into labour! We're going to the hospital! Look after the house for us!" she said and instantly disappeared. "Ah that explains it" I sighed. "Did you get scared?" Yoongi chuckled. "Yes" I pouted. "Aww cute lil baby got scared" he mocked, cupping my face in his hands. "I am not a baby!" I protested. "Ok but you're my baby then" Yoongi sighed. I felt my face go all red and stretched my legs before rolling off the bed. "Comfy down there?" Yoongi asked, getting out the bed and turning on the light. "Yes" I replied, feeling too lazy to look up from the floor. But then I felt Yoongi tickle my feet and I squirmed and instantly stood up. "Ok fine! What do you want?" I couldn't help but pout a little. It was one in the morning for God sake! To my surprise, he hugged me really tightly.
3rd person POV:
Jimin hugged back and they stayed like that for a while until slowly, Yoongi pushed Jimin onto the bed. He hovered above Jimin, which made him blush really hard, until eventually he rolled over and sat next to him. Jimin sat up. "What was that all about?" he asked. "You know" Yoongi smirked with a wink. "Are you sure you're not gay Min Yoongi?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "I wasn't until you came along, Jimin, but now I am and it's your fault" Yoongi complained. "Its not my fault I'm so loveable" Jimin teased. "Yep. Very loveable" Yoongi giggled. Unexpectedly, there was a knock at the door. "Who the hell is knocking at this time?" Yoongi growled. Jimin held onto his hand and went down the stairs with him.
Jungkook POV:
As I waited at the door, I heard footsteps as well as Jimin's unmistakable fairy like ones. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Jimin and another guy. This guy was about the same height as Jimin, had pale skin, piercing blue eyes and mint green hair. I noticed he was holding Jimin's hand. Is this his boyfriend? Jimin has a boyfriend?! "Who are you?" I asked, looking at the mint haired boy. "Who are you?!" he asked back. Jimin laughed and stepped between us. "Hi Jungkook" he laughed, giving me a hug. As he did so, I saw the other dude frown in disapproval and I quickly pulled away. "Jungkook, this is Yoongi, the one I.... told you about. Yoongi, this is Jungkook, my friend". Once Jimin had done the introductions, he went into the kitchen to make tea. Yoongi and I just stared at each other unimpressed. Surprisingly though, Yoongi shook my hand. "Nice to meet you" he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. "And you". With that, we went to find Jimin.
In the kitchen:
Jimin was just giving us our cups of tea as we sat down. "So, you and Yoongi huh?" I smirked to Jimin. Yoongi nearly spat out his tea but Jimin just frowned. "What about me and Yoongi?" he asked confused. I wiggled my eyebrows and he got the message. "OH! No we're just roommates, nothing more" Jimin blushed. "Quite disappointing really" Yoongi muttered from the corner. We stared at him, shocked. He gave us a judgemental look from over the top of his cup. "What? I'm just saying. As two gay men who share a bed, you would've expected a certain something to happen. But no it hasn't which, as I said, is disappointing" Yoongi carried on sipping his tea. I heard Jimin squeak next to me and I couldn't help but smile. I knew exactly what Yoongi meant. He definitely liked Jimin.
Yoongi POV:
Well shit. Why did I say that. I mean it's not wrong. I really would like to fuck Jimin, or at least smthn along those lines. He's pretty decent. More than decent. But whatever. "So Jungkook, why are you here?" I asked. Jungkook looked at me surprised. "Oh! Well I heard what's happening with Jin and Namjoon hyung, so I decided to come keep Jimin company. I forgot that you were here though Yoongi as I've never been introduced to you before. I mean Jimin's talked about you quite a bit, but we haven't talked in a while" Jungkook rambled. I smirked. I had an idea. I just had to get this guy out. "Well Jungkook, it's been nice having you here but it is nearly two o clock in the morning and I am tired and now you know that Jimin has company, I can assure you he'll be fine" I sighed. Jungkook smiled. He really didnt seem to mind that I was practically kicking him out like this. What a nice friend Jimin has. "Well ok then, I'll be on my way now. Have fun you two" Jungkook winked and with that he left. "Oh trust me, we will have fun" i said, making sure Jimin heard. As soon as I heard the front door shut and knew that Jungkook was gone, I went to stand in front of Jimin where he was sitting on the worktop. "Oh hey" Jimin smiled at me. "Hey" I smiled back, putting my hands on Jimin's waist. "So, what fun are we having then?" Jimin asked, leaning down close to me so that our faces were only a couple of centimetres apart. And with that, I made my move...

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