Chapter Four

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Yoongi POV:
That was when I decided that I'd had enough. No one had taken any action and i couldn't wait any longer. I had to go and find him myself. I told Jimin's parents what I was going to do and they agreed and told me to stay safe and keep them updated. With a promise that I would, I grabbed my phone and my jacket and ran out the house. I had been running around the streets for about half an hour, asking people if they had seen Jimin, when I came across a dark alley. It was completely empty, apart from a few rubbish bins and old cigarettes everywhere. Still, I decided to investigate. I was walking through it when I heard a small sniff. I jumped at first, because it was dark and deserted and sorta scary here, but eventually curiosity got the better of me and I went to find out where the sound had come from. But it had stopped. I strained my ears and eventually I heard it again, but quieter this time. And suddenly, I recognized it! It was Jimin! I ran to one of the bins and squeezed behind it. And sure enough, there he was. "Yoongi?" he sniffed, looking up at me. "Jimin! I've found you!" I smiled and crouched down to the same level as him.
Jimin POV:
As Yoongi got closer to me, I squeaked and backed away from him. Confused, he tried to hold his hand out towards me, but I slapped it away. "Jimin, what's wrong?" he asked. I just shook my head and didn't answer him. "How long have you been here Jimin?" Yoongi inquired slightly less gently. "Two weeks" I sighed. Yoongi's eyes widened with worry and shock. "You've been hiding here in this mess for the whole time?" he checked. I sighed and nodded my head. Suddenly, he seemed to look at me properly. I hung my head in shame. Of course. I didn't think about that. The cuts. The bruised knuckles. The stained blood. All over me. "Jimin, what the hell happened?! You look awful! Did you get beat up?!" he gasped. "Something like that" I muttered. He frowned. "Who did this to you?" he whispered so quietly I barely heard him. I knew there was no point in lying to him. "M-me" I coughed. He looked at me horrified and concerned and sat back on his heels. "Y-you did this to yourself?!" Yoongi choked. I nodded, feeling embarrassed. "But why?" he asked, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. I just shook my head.
Yoongi POV:
I sighed in frustration. Whatever it was, he didnt want to tell me. I knew it was gonna be hard to get it out of him. "Fine you dont have to tell me. But at least come back home" I pleaded. He shook his head as if he didnt want to, but when he tried to stand up to get away, he crumbled. Obviously, he was too weak and injured to move by himself. I picked him up and carried him in my arms bridal style before we got to my car. I put him in the back seat and drove us back to where Mr and Mrs Park were waiting.
*1 day later*
Jimin POV:
If I didnt fully hate Min Yoongi before, I definitely did now. I didnt want to be taken back home. I wanted to be taken to heaven. Or hell, which is where I deserve to go. I couldn't tell anyone the reason why I had done everything I did. But it was because no one seemed to love me anymore, and I didnt want to live on. If only he hadn't had found me, I could've been dead by the next day. I wish I was. I layed back on my bed and stared at the floor miserably. After a few minutes, I felt someone sit next to me. I turned to see who it was and instantly felt anger boiling up inside me. "Get out" I growled. "Jimin, I was just checking you're ok. And I wanted to apologise-" Yoongi started. At that point, I lost it at him. "I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID ASS APOLOGIES. YOU THINK IM GONNA FORGIVE YOU AFTER EVERYTHING YOUVE PUT ME THROUGH? NO. YOU CAN FUCK OFF!" I shouted. I saw tears form in his eyes. "At least tell me why you did what you did" he muttered. "BECAUSE NO ONE LOVES ME ANYMORE. I WANT TO BE DEAD. AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. IN FACT, EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT! IF YOUR STUPID ASS HADN'T FOUND ME, I COULD BE!" I was practically screaming at him now. That's when I noticed someone at the door. In fact two people. My parents. I gasped. They stared at me like they had never seen me before. "Get out. All of you" I whispered, my throat sore from shouting. Instantly, everyone listened to me and left. I burst into tears and ended up crying myself to sleep.
*3 months later*
Third person POV:
Every time Jimin had seen Yoongi these past three months, he had death glared him like Yoongi was a peice of shit on Jimin's shoe. Truthfully, this killed Yoongi inside as Jimin hadn't spoken to him for so long and he just wanted to make everything right again. One morning though, Jimin's parents told their son to sit down with them. "What happened? You used to be so happy, and now this is what's happened. We don't want to see you like this" Mrs Park said. Jimin sighed heavily and told them everything. Including the fight him and Yoongi had had all those months ago, which is why all this had started in the first place. "You two need to sort this out. Yoongi looks so miserable without you, and you're just ignoring him. Whether you like it or not, you need him, and he needs you" Mr Park explained. Jimin nodded and reluctantly went up to his and Yoongi's room, where Yoongi had been sleeping on the floor as Jimin wanted nothing to do with him. Jimin sat on his bed and not too long after, felt a hand on his shoulder. He knew who it was and sure enough, seconds later, Yoongi said with a sigh "Let's get this done and over with, Park. Time to talk"....

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