Let Me GO {N.M} pt.2

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{Listen to the audio^ while reading}
Melissa's POV
I take a deep breath, walking down the street. I stop at the bridge, the street filled with fog, the loud clash of water coming from under it. I walk over to the edge looking down at the long drop. The cars passing by, the cold rain pouring on top of me mixed with the cold wind freezing the tips of my fingers and nose. I grip the cold rail. I climb over the rail, my feet glued to the edge of the bridge, my arms now holding onto the rail behind me.
"NO!" I hear a voice shout then grab my arms. I look over at my shoulder, Nick was soaked in rain water, holding onto me for dear life. I feel the tears begin to pour again. "Melissa please, please no don't- don't do it." He begged still holding onto me, I yell, the pain filling my voice as I weep. "Stop with the pretending, Nick, you don't love me! I feel rejected, You promised you'd protect me, my heart, but i don't feel protected!" I shout my left hand slipping from the rail. He holds onto me tighter. "Please I'll, Ill be better, I won't ask so much of you just, just listen i can't loose you!" He said beginning to cry. I shake my head frantically, I began to shake from the fear and the cold. "You just want perfection." I Yell, "I needed you to love me!" My foot slips off, i feel my heart drop to my stomach, Nick grabs my arm holding me up, "MELISSA!" He shouts trying to hold me up. The tears keep falling as i softly say, "Let me go." I let go of his arm. His eyes widen as he looses his grip. Time suddenly feels it's slowed down, I listen as his yelling slowly tunes out and becomes foggy. The image of him slowly fades away as I feel my body clash into the water. Suddenly the pain stops and all i feel is a sense of relief.

Nick's POV
I rush over to the bottom of the river that ran under the bride, "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE, HELP ME PLEASE!" I shout tears in my eyes, I watch as her lifeless body floats to the top of the river. I swim over to her pulling her into my arms, "It's okay, it's okay." I say whispering to her swimming back over to shore. I lay her on the rocks and began pushing on her chest. "Come on, Come on!" I say still pushing, I press my lips to hers blowing air into her lungs. "STAY WITH ME PLEASE." I say repeating the steps. "FUCK! NO NO NO." I say as i realize that i've lost her. I hear the sirens and see the red and blue flashing lights. An officer comes and pulls me away from the scene, i keep kicking trying to get out from his grip, shouting "NO!" I watch as they cover her with the white sheet. "It's okay." The officer says calmly trying to pull me away, "She's, she's gone son, there's nothing we can do about it." He said.

They sat me down and gave me a blanket to wrap myself with, they tried to ask me questions but i just kept repeating the image of her face as she slipped from my grip. Her lifeless body in my arms, the way the water droplets fell from her eyelashes. Her last words replayed over and over. Haunting my thoughts. My kids no longer had a mother, I no longer had a wife.

I lied in bed that night, the cold, now empty bed. My back faced to the spot she used to fill, Her bright smile played in my mind like a movie, her soft giggle and cute laugh was the soundtrack. The restless nights of staying up with the babies and playfully arguing over who would feed and change them next, now all gone. The pile of laundry that i was supposed to do last night because she had to work a double shift still sitting in the corner. All the good memories down the drain. I never thought it was possible to loose 3 people at the same time. But i lost my wife, the mother of my kids and most importantly, my best friend.

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